A few days ago Brad and I caught the Ringneck in the driveway, but I decided to let it go. The snake may also release a foul-smelling liquid from glands located near its tail. They are mainly located in eastern and central North America, ranging from Nova Scotia and southern Quebec down to southern Mexico. Ringneck snakes breed once every year, usually around spring or fall. They are cold-blooded creatures, so they are not likely to be visible during the evening. It is the highest quality snake trap … However, most are ultimately beneficial in the capture of rats and mice. Third, you can modify your land and seal up your house to help keep snakes away and out of the house, if you don't want to figure out how to catch a snake in the first place. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. It appeared top be pregnant, plus I'm still looking for Black Rat Snakes because they're so much easier to take care of. Common non-venomous snake species include the Black Racer, Corn Snake, Eastern Garter Snake, Milk Snake, Yellow Rat Snake, Banded Water Snake, Southern Ringneck Snake, and maybe a Southern Black Snake or Rough Green Snake. We have recently had a hatching of ring neck snakes.....in our house. For more information, go to my Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page. This information can help you make it easier to locate the snake and avoid any snakes that are dangerous. May 14, 2009 #21 . March to April is the most likely time to catch your first sighting of a garter snake. We killed two and my wife freaked. Scientific Name: Diadophis punctatus edwardsii. Snakes can be great pets for those who take the time to learn how to properly care for them. The snake's back is a … I do not recommend using a glue-based trap outdoors, because it can inhumanely catch other small critters. They can even become tame, allowing you to hold them on a regular basis. Before you go looking for snakes, it's a good idea to learn more about the snakes that live in your area. if you have a snake infestation, it means their is a food source (ie mice or rats or bugs). Now, Ringneck Snakes are very small snake kinds so wound is also going to be very small and the bleeding will be almost little to nothing – you can’t treat it by yourself so let’s know the right direction about treating the bite. Snakes like tall grass, shady places, and anywhere they can hide without being disturbed. Etymology: ... Ring-necked Snakes do not always use sites that allow us to catch them, as many snakes seek shelter beneath mats of vegetation. Research which snakes live near you. Martin (1976) recorded only 15 ring-necked snakes among the 545 snakes observed along the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park and Blue Ridge Parkway in a 3-year period. Second, you can purchase a snake trap if you wish to catch the snake yourself. After getting a bite from a small Ringneck Snakes, you need to rinse off the wounds by clean and freshwater. If you caught it outside where you live - return it to its natural habitat ! Yes, if a snake lives in an area where monkeys live, and if the snake can catch, kill and swallow the monkey; then yes, the snake will eat the monkey.