So, signal, three, head check, shoulder check again, leaving the signal on all the way across, until we're in the other lane of traffic. To drive faster, pass, or turn left, use the left lane. It is imperative that you check your mirrors and your blind spots before you change lanes while driving on an interstate highway. As far as I can tell, only proper on-ramps allow filter lanes on the highway. It is imperative that you check your mirrors and your blind spots before you change lanes while driving on an interstate highway. Legally, you must not lane change until it is safe. When a driver in the left lane and a driver in the right lane both want to be in the middle lane, who has the right-of-way? Right lane, middle lane, left lane… the roadway is your oyster. Others merging: Change lanes or adjust your speed to allow others to enter the highway safely. I follow this lane system both in city and in highways and i find it to be very very very safe and effective - … If you can choose among three lanes, pick the middle lane for the smoothest driving. 4. How do you SAFELY change lanes on the highway?!!!!!? When it comes to defensive driving, lane change techniques and signaling correctly are important skills to learn and implement into your daily driving. If it is not possible to change lanes when you check the blind spot, cancel the maneuver and prepare to begin all over again. 2.Keep you leg lightly on brakes. Don't change lanes at intersections. When you choose to drive slowly, enter or exit traffic on the right, turn right, park, or move off the road, use the right lane. The red car in the left lane also wants to lane change around this time. If he doesn’t, then you can not lane change. Remember when driving on freeways that you should always stay in the furthest lane to the right unless you are passing a slower moving vehicle in front of you. Try again with a different car. All the lane-choosing freedom you could ever want. To exit an interstate highway, turn your right turn signal on before reaching the exit ramp. Use your turn signal, mirrors, and glance at your blind spot every single time. Stay at the speed of the traffic when changing lanes. Many inexperienced drivers brake to do a lane change. As always, it is also very important to use your turn signals each and every time you change from one lane to another. Do not frustrate other drivers behind you by staying in the left lane if you are not passing. But I feel theres a better way to do it, as I had some near-misses. Shoulder checks are fine, it is just that you don't want to have your head away from what is in front of you for too long. How do YOU change lanes on the highway? Anything can happen. Do not try to just go into the next lane abruptly. 5.Never Hurry.If you cant do it leave driving coz life is precious. Before you decide to change lanes, you need to be aware of your surrounding and focus on anything that may interfere with your lane change. Make sure you plan your lane changes either before and after intersections where side roads, streets or crossroads meet the road you are using. If the car lets you in, say thanks with a wave. Okay, and now we're going to change back, one, two, three, shoulder check twice, signals on all the way across here. Passing: Use the right lane for entering and exiting the traffic flow. As far as changing lanes once you're on the highway, the first thing you want to do is indicate the direction of the change. If you switch slowly, if by chance there is a car there, you can avoid an accident. Don't change lanes at intersections. As always, it is also very important to use your turn signals each and every time you change from one lane to another. If the problem is that you’re worried about making a legal, safe lane change because one of the vehicles in the lane you’re moving into happens to be a police car, why? If you want a more civil approach, you could always roll your window down, get the drivers attention, and ask if you can cut in front of them. Blind spots: Stay out of other drivers’ blind spots. If you can't let them get ahead or behind, watch their tires! If you have two or more lanes next to you in the direction you are changing lanes, make sure the second lane over is clear. Personally I do it as mirror, signal, then blindspot. If you have two or more lanes next to you in the direction you are changing lanes, make sure the second lane over is clear. 4.Turn you steering slowely and move on if you get space. So if you're going to change lanes to the left, you have to put your signal on to the left, giving the other cars around you the idea of what you intend to do. The LCM system models the longitudinal and lateral control dynamics for automated lane change on a straight road segment.