Structure: Title. Distributor, Year Published. Students studying film and other subjects within the humanities and liberal arts often use Modern Language Association, or MLA, style to cite their sources. You may also choose to include the names of the writer(s), performer(s), and the producer(s), as well as the film’s original release date. Fox Searchlight, 2006. How to cite a movie in MLA. How to cite a film in a bibliography using MLA The most basic entry for a film consists of the title, director, distributor, year of release, and medium. To cite a film in MLA (8th edition), you need to know the title, the director, any other relevant contributors, the production company, and the year of release. Perf. Date published August 1, 2019 by Shona McCombes. The in-text citation for a film should key to a works-cited-list entry. Dir. Dir. Perf. Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. Parenthetical citations usually include the … But if you quote a film, be sure to cite it just as conscientiously as you would cite a novel or poem. If there are multiple versions of a film, you also need to identify the version. MLA style uses parenthetical citations within the text to direct readers to entries in the Works Cited page. First M. Last. Movie lines can provide relevant punch to an essay. Example: Little Miss Sunshine. “Title of the film or video.” Title of the website, role of contributors and their First name Last name, … The first requirement is to quote the movie precisely; any words in quotation marks must be identical to the actual lines spoken in the movie… How do I create an in-text citation for a film? DVD. If you list a film under its title, you must refer to the title in your writing or cite it parenthetically: Point of No Return, a remake of Nikita, deviates from the original French movie in several ways. Date updated: September 12, 2019. How to cite a film/movie. Media Type. Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, and Alan Arkin. How to Cite a Film or Video Found on a Website in MLA 8: To cite a film or video found on a website, use the following structure: Last name, First name of the creator. First M. Last.