I hear there are actually photos of Carter swinging for his life at this rabbit, but his people refused to release them because "some facts about the president must remain forever wrapped in obscurity." President Jimmy Carter's fishing boat on April 20, 1979. Dubbed the "killer rabbit" attack by the media, the Jimmy Carter rabbit incident involved a swamp rabbit that caught press imagination after furiously trying to board then-U.S. President Jimmy Carter's fishing boat on April 20, 1979. Strangest fact: How about, “Jimmy Carter was attacked by a giant swimming rabbit”? He ordered a blowup made, establishing at last that his attacker was, well, a bunny, or “swamp rabbit,” to use press secretary Jody Powell’s somewhat fiercer sounding term. It's the unofficial start of summer, which means it's as good a time as any to revisit one of the greatest vacation moments in American history: when President Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit. Jimmy Carter Attacked By Swimming Rabbit Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 6:30PM While pond fishing in Plains, Georgia in the spring of 1979, Jimmy Carter reported to his staff that he was confronted by a swimming rabbit and further claimed that the animal was intent on getting into the President's boat. While vacationing at his farm in Plains, Georgia, he decided to take in some fishing and relax.Solo, he pushed off in a canoe onto a pond that was on his property. What was the deal with Jimmy Carter and the killer rabbit? Dear Cecil: What's the straight dope on Jimmy Carter's once being attacked by a killer rabbit? On a fishing trip in Plains, Georgia, President Carter had an encounter with a "swamp rabbit". April 20th, 1979. It was late in the day on April 20, 1979, and U.S. President Jimmy Carter was enjoying a needed break from the pressures of the presidency. He shooed it away by splashing water with a paddle. Months after the fact, the White House press secretary mentioned the incident. Culture since 1970” class. April 20th, 1979. Jimmy Carter Attacked By Swimming Rabbit Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 6:30PM While pond fishing in Plains, Georgia in the spring of 1979, Jimmy Carter reported to his staff that he was confronted by a swimming rabbit and further claimed that the animal was intent on getting into the President's boat. When Carter returned from the fishing trip, he recounted to CNN in 2010, a rabbit “jumped in the water and swam toward my boat. ... March 9, 2017 at 9:10 AM EST. They have teeth that they have to constantly chew on hard things with because they never stop growing, and claws long and hard enough to burrow through hard packed earth and rocks, with huge feet for leverage, and lots of muscle around the legs to make the most of that leverage. The Swamp Rabbit Blues I was talking to a friend the other day about my “U.S. RANDOMNESS IS NOT TRUTHINESS Randomness does, however, work for uncyclopedia.org. President Jimmy Carter and the "killer rabbit" April 20th, 1979 On a fishing trip in Plains, Georgia, President Carter had an encounter with a "swamp rabbit". He was fishing on a lake near his home in …