Serve the … For the perfect pork steak, heat your grill to medium-high heat, brush with oil, and cook for 5 minutes on either side. I'd been trying to prepare pork loin the same way I'd prepare chicken or steak, even though it has a whole different set of needs. Stewed, braised, fried, or grilled pork, it all turns out delicious in the end. The challenge is keeping the breading attached to the cube steak and not the baking pan. Pork steaks are a great alternative to beef, and are just as delicious. Breading the pork cube steaks adds crunch to the outside and keeps the inside moist. My problem? It needs to be on your dinner menu soon. Namely, this sauce. For now I just rubbed some sea salt into these pork loin steaks and went on my merry way to make the sauce. If long and slow, use liquid as others have suggested. Transfer the steaks back to the skillet and simmer for 45 minutes. Serve the pork cube steaks over white rice coated in … Make sure to rest it for 2-3 minutes off the heat, so that it remains tender and juicy. This cut of meat contains a significant amount of fat, which keeps it moist, but it is from an active muscle, which can make it tougher than other cuts of pork. You can't get more American with your cooking. Cut steaks into thin strips, across the grain, and fry on medium-high heat to quickly cook pork steak for stir fry recipes. I know I am a little wordy today but I have a lot of good things to say. Move the steaks to a platter and season the gravy with salt and pepper to taste. Pork is a delicious meat that works great for all different of cooking methods. Pork steaks go great with gravies and creamy sauces. Dip the pork cube steaks in buttermilk and then into breadcrumbs to keep the crumbs on the steak. Use a non-stick pan for frying pork steaks to reduce the amount of oil needed for cooking, and thus to reduce added fats in the meal. Transfer the steaks back to the skillet and simmer for 45 minutes. Today, we'll be talking about the latter option, specifically how much time you should dedicate to cook pork steak for optimum tastiness. Apple juice, cider, white wine all work well with pork. Either cook them quickly and briefly - griddled or fried for about 2-3 minutes per side (just enough to make sure that they're cooked through) or long and slow. Pork steaks are generally slow-cooked to release fat from the meat and to ensure its tenderness. Please, tell me you are still with me. Pork steak is an ideal meat for stir fry. Move the steaks to a platter and season the gravy with salt and pepper to taste. How do I cook pork loin steaks? By baking pork steaks in the oven, you can slow cook them until juicy and tender.