The rabbit’s neck will be dislocated or broken and the chest cavity will be punctured will talon marks. Great horned owls are carnivores who eat a very wide range of prey. This indeed shows that great horned owls are the most opportunistic of the owl species. Mystery of the Headless Rabbit Finally Solved. What Do Owls Eat? While humans don’t prey on owls for food, they do cause damage to owls’ habitats. Credit: Renaud Visage/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images. Because owls eat a variety of prey and are significant rodent predators, ... “Owl,” said Rabbit shortly, ... giving the ability to hear where a sound is coming from without moving their heads. Although their diet largely depends on the species of owl, most owls like to eat insects, small mammals (like hares and rabbits), and other smaller birds. It’s probably time to discuss what actually great horned owls eat in the wild. What Do Great Horned Owls Eat in the Wild – A Complete Guide to the Great Horned Owl Diet and Hunting Methods PHOTOGRAPH BY BEA BINKA (Reproduced with permission) Owls can also funnel sound toward their ears by manipulating different types of feathers around the ears and face. Owls prey on a very large variety of creatures, including squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and certain small birds. What do owls eat? Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes about 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight. With grounds disappearing, owls must compete against each other for fewer resources. Usually active at night, they are also sometimes spotted during the … As human populations expand and urban areas become larger, owls lose precious hunting and nesting grounds. The main things to remember...When wildlife kill, they kill to eat. A rabbit's brain is the only part of its entire body with any significant amount of fat on it. Hawk do not like to eat fur, skin, or bones. Automobiles, too, are a danger to owls. They also have been known to eat falcons and even other owls. Like all owls, these fascinating carnivores eat their prey whole and then regurgitate "pellets" containing fur and crushed bones. I haven't ruled out owls either. ... Another thing to keep in mind is that there is no way a single hawk could eat an entire rabbit before it decomposed beyond the point of edibility. However, the carcasses is usually left whole and you will find tufts of fur or pieces of skin and fur scattered around the carcass. It is also common for owls to eat rodents, squirrels, bats, weasels, woodchucks, and even the random domestic cat as well.