Join the circles and make the base for part of its body. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw a Weddell Seal Weddell Seal is a large size seal and its scientific name is Leptonychotes weddellii. Harbor seals, also known as common seals, spend half their time in the sea and half on land. This tutorial that you see before you is going to teach you "how to draw a seal for kids", step by step. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw a Harbor Seal Harbor Seal is a true seal and is also known as common seal. How to Draw a Weddell Seal step by step, learn drawing by this tutorial for kids and adults. How to Draw a Crabeater Seal. View this Tutorial. View this Tutorial « 1 » Search Tutorials. e.g. The blubber of a northern Pacific harbor seal during winter may account for 27% to 30% of its total body mass. At this stage your seal drawing is virtually ready. Harbor Seal – Phoca vitulina Description. In this tutorial, we will draw Harbor Seal. They include the harp seal, the Ross seal, the leopard seal, the elephant seal, and the hooded seal. In this tutorial, we will draw Harbor Seal. The elephant seal is the Tagged: cartoon seal drawing, cartoon seal drawing easy. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a harp seal in just a few quick steps, but first… Harp seals live in the Arctic Ocean and the northern region of the Atlantic Ocean. Step 2: Draw the face of Harbor seal Step 4: Draw the front leg. Step 2. ©Sheri Amsel Draw a Harbor Seal. Step 2: Draw the face of Harbor seal Step 4: Draw the front leg. Outline the silhouette of the fish and darken the eyes. They live in the arctic region of the world, which includes northern Canada, Alaska, parts of Europe, and northern Asia. Found 7 Free Seals Drawing tutorials which can be drawn using Pencil, Market, Photoshop, Illustrator just follow step by step directions. Facebook Youtube Pin Interest Instagram. This animal gets its name by having extremely short hair on its head as In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Hawaiian Monk Seal in just a few quick steps, but first… The Hawaiian Monk Seal is a member of the mammal group and the scientific term for them is Monachus schauinslandi. As harbor seals are being born in the Pacific Northwest, marine mammal advocates are urging people to stay away from the newborn pups ... Don't touch or pick up seal pups. Draw more distinct pencil contour of the body but gently. Begin with drawing a rectangle, a medium circle and an small one. Step 6: Then, draw the hind leg. How to Draw a Harbor seal in 7 Easy Steps Step 1: First, draw the head Step 3: Draw the body. They can also be found as How to Draw a Hawaiian Monk Seal. Step 3. Harbor Seal Phoca vitulina Cool Fact: The Portland Sea Dogs, a minor league baseball team, are named after a slang term for the harbor seal. How to Draw a Southern Elephant Seal step by step, learn drawing by this tutorial for kids and adults. A harbor seal's hair provides no insulation. Step 7: Draw the other hind leg. In this tutorial, we will draw Harbor Seal. Leave a small tiny white dot in the eyes. Make the fins and rear end . Download by size: Handphone Tablet Desktop (Original Size) Back To Cartoon Seal Drawing Step 7: Draw the other hind leg. How To Draw A Harbor Seal Worksheet,Free to Print. How to Draw a Harbor Seal. Step 7: Draw the other hind leg. In this tutorial, we will draw Harbor Seal. January 2020. Step 1. Pinnipeds are marine mammals that have front and rear flippers. Saved from The average length of a female harbor seal is 4 to 5 feet; they weigh between 100 to 300 pounds. There are about 33 species of seals. Signup for Free Weekly Drawing Tutorials Please enter your email address receive free weekly tutorial in your email. Harbor seals are pinnipeds. ... How to Draw a Harbor Seal. In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a seal in just a few quick steps, but first… Seals belong to the family Otariidae. Spring brings harbor seal colonies to rookery beaches that are accessible to humans. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to Draw a Harbor Seal Harbor Seal is a true seal and is also known as common seal.