Baby gear. You can certainly get by without one. What about baby carrier safety and hip dysplasia? Here are the basic things you need to know about using a baby carrier. like, all the time. Because there are so many baby carriers to choose from, narrowing it down to one is difficult. Tips for Choosing a Baby Carrier. But I can tell you first hand that baby carriers are useful and beneficial to both you and your adorable baby, and you’ll really be grateful to have one! You may be asking yourself, do I really NEED a carrier? Baby carriers offer a way to keep your little one close while you have your hands free. You can start using a baby carrier from day one. When choosing a baby carrier, make sure all straps and harnesses support your baby securely. 1. Some parents think they can’t use a baby carrier until their baby is 6 weeks old or older, or they choose to wait until then. They don't offer any back support. But a carrier is the only gadget that lets you do your own thing, hands-free, while your little one relaxes against you. How to Choose a Baby Carrier Here's everything you need to know about baby carriers. Theoretically, babies can be carried in a carrier as a newborn. you can always wait, and see if you feel like you need one. The 360 and Original carriers are made for babies who are 4-48 months old and weigh 12-45 pounds. You can move easily, navigate crowded places, and take care of daily tasks while your child snoozes or relaxes on you. But it’s tough to do when you need to make dinner or shop for groceries. When considering a carrier for a newborn, below are our favorites: Wraps - Wraps are great for newborns because of their versatility and flexibility. But you don’t have to choose between doing one or the other when you have a baby carrier. To help you find the perfect pair of carriers for your family, I’ve created an easy chart. There are many different positions for baby in slings, wraps and other baby carriers – lying down in the cradle hold is NOT the only option: baby can sit up and face the front, sit up and face you, lie down, sit on your hip, or even ride on your back. The lowdown on baby carriers. If you have or plan on buying an Ergobaby 360 or Original baby carrier, then yes, you will also need to get an Ergobaby infant insert. If you haven’t discovered babywearing yet, you’re missing out. p.s. Getting a carrier isn’t a necessity—you could use a stroller when you’re out and about and a bouncy seat or swing at home. You can start using a baby carrier right away! Your child’s age and developmental milestones will determine what baby carrier you should purchase. Just choose one carrier from the right column and once carrier from the left, and you’ll be set as far as always having the right carrier for convenience, ease of use, and comfort for both you and your little one. Baby carrier: Wearing your baby means your little one gets to snuggle close to you, and you'll have two free hands to do everything else.