It is a religious requirement of the Sikhs to never cut their hair and therefore to manage their long hair they wear the turban For more info please call 07846188709/ 07707088226. He may wanted a quick, clean or complex turban. This page has a collection of videos which are meant to assist people in learning how to tie a turban, or to learn a different style of turban. 1 of 5. There are lot of pagadi houses and turban shops in every town and city of Indian Punjab, who exclusively keep turban clothes of different shades and different material, like voile, full voile, rubiya etc. This page has a collection of videos which are meant to assist people in learning how to tie a turban, or to learn a different style of turban. This video is sponsored by The turbans listed here are those generally worn by people of the Sikh faith. The guy has done a terrific job there. These are the basic Sikh … For more info please call 07846188709/ 07707088226. This video will teach how to tie a turban with step to step tutorial. Style and color may reflect association with particular group of Sikhs, religious conviction, or fashion. Learn about topics such as How to Tie a Turban, How to Tie a Sikh Turban, How to Make a Turban, and more with our helpful step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. I tend to wear shorter, narrower lengths of fabric, which I re-tie every day. Turban colors are generally a matter of personal choice in Sikhism, with many Sikh men choosing colors based on fashion or … Learn How To Tie Different Sikh Turbans. They may have their kes braided before being bound up so as to keep it from … Learn how to tie a turban in a simple way How to Tie a Pagari (Indian Turban): The Pagari (Indian Turban) shown in the intractable, is worn by the men in the Sikh community in India. Turban style is totally depend upon individual thinking of how he want his turban to be. Then we went down a youtube rabbit hole and discovered that techniques can vary every bit as much as the length, thickness, and texture of the fabric used. Before you begin reading my answer, take a look at answer to Why are Punjabis so proud of being Punjabi? Tie my Turban is a turban tying services by Taran Singh Dhanda for all communities in UK. Patiala Shahi turban Nowadays this type of dastar is widely famous in boys. It is funny! When we first had the idea for this tutorial, we didn’t realize that there are probably at least 20 different ways to tie a turban. When we first had the idea for this tutorial, we didn’t realize that there are probably at least 20 different ways to tie a turban. This type of dastar was first tied by Patiala King Bhupinder Singh.