Houston Toad. No Houston toads were detected along the proposed project corridor. to discover, share and identify wildlife. It's probably best known for the male's habit of carrying the eggs. Houston toad Males Females Gulf coast toad Houston toad Gulf coast toad. To play the frog and toad calls, ... Bufo cognatus. AshleyT 6 years ago. The fire destroyed 40 percent of the Houston toad’s habitat in Bastrop County. This brought back memories of back in the 70's when my sister decided to make a toad house but hers was not this fancy tech guy version. Name of animal-plant: Houston toad Species name: Anaxyrus houstonensis Animal type: HERP Subcategory: amphibian Fact: All animals and plants are given a species name based on a technical term in biological taxnomy. Its underside is light grey or white. Species ID Suggestions Sign in to suggest organism ID. Anaxyrus houstonensis This small brownish, fossorial toad species may seem unremarkable as a display animal for many zoos, yet this toad is a flagship species for U.S. amphibian conservation due to climactic and anthropogenic causes. The monitors are accompanying debris removal and public utility crews in Bastrop County to determine whether toads are present in the immediate work area. an educator’s guide to the houston. The rotund amphibians have a lot of specific needs, whether they pertain to favorite soil types or humidity. Tweet; Description: Houston toad tadpoles were laid in our pool and are hatching. Houston toad. Learn about the frogs and toads and how to identify them inside. Texas toads (Anaxyrus speciosus) don't have the freedom to just get up and move anywhere, unlike animals with more diverse habitat requirements. Houston toad is a species of toad found only in Texas in the United States. recommended for grades k-6. toad. Join Project Noah! anole lizards and geckos usually hibernate during the cooler months. Woodhouse's Toad Bufo woodhousii. Houston Toad Pictures Gallery AUSTIN, Texas, -- Michael Forstner and James Dixon, two of Texas’ distinguished authorities on the endangered Houston toad, have joined the team of biologists that is helping to ensure the steady pace of Bastrop County’s recovery from the 2011 wildfires by monitoring for the toad, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Texas Division of Emergency Management said Tuesday. The toad also lives in Britain, where it's an introduced species. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Discover Life The common midwife toad is brown or grey in colour and is covered by darker bumps.