His power is available to those who ask. Let Your fire be in my tongue to preach and prophesy. "Receive From God and Light the Fire Again" Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY Recently, the Holy Spirit showed me a picture of a camp fire that had died out, but underneath it the embers were still red hot. Every believer in Christ must always pray for fresh fire and fresh Annointing. Sections of this page. The Fire as an ANOINTING. There was a question given to me about the videos of Believers in Jesus Christ being touched with the fire of God, “So What Is This Fire Of God All About?” John in Matt 3:11-12 foretold Jesus coming and how Jesus would baptize you with fire. . ." If one does a topical Bible study they will find a fire baptism or fire falling is not a good thing in Scripture. I … There was a question given to me about the videos of Believers in Jesus Christ being touched with the fire of God, “So What Is This Fire Of God All About?” John in Matt 3:11-12 foretold Jesus coming and how Jesus would baptize you with fire. Facebook. Out of the fire God speaks, through the fire God refines, by the fire God empowers, with the fire God brings history to a close. What Is The "FIRE Of GOD" All About? “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and would that is was already kindled! Father Lord , command your presence unto my soul forever in the name of Jesus. Create New Account. Anne Janssens, Perth, Western Australia. Lord, release Your fire and burn up the works of darkness. Break every stronghold with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let Your fire be in my hands to heal the sick and cast out devils.Let Your fire burn in my eyes, my heart, my belly, my mouth, and my feet.Let Your fire in my … God has appeared a number of times in His glory by fire in the Old Testament but it was a rare thing. What Is The "FIRE Of GOD" All About? As long as we are fulfilling the desires of the flesh, the fire of God cannot complete its work. From the Desk of Steve Shultz: This is quite a potent and sobering word for the Body of … Let Your fire burn in my eyes, my heart, my belly, my mouth, and my feet. June 8, 2018 "Receive God's Consumer Fire - It's Time to Ascend!" As the song goes, " . God has appeared a number of times in His glory by fire in the Old Testament but it was a rare thing. I receive the rain of abundance from God upon my thirsty soul in the name of Jesus. . “ He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” the fire of God surrounds us like burning coals of fire, bringing forth what's not of God, and consuming my desires . Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16). If one does a topical Bible study they will find a fire baptism or fire falling is not a good thing in Scripture. I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!” Accessibility Help. Today I have compiled 20 prayer points for fresh fire. ... You can receive God’s Spirit of power! Elijah knew the heart of God for Israel; that's why he was able to call down the fire of God. He wants us to receive the Holy Spirit so we can experience heaven on earth, God’s kingdom becoming reality in our life.. I … Sign Up. The Bible shows us that God wants to give us the greatest gift you can think of: He comes to live inside of us with his own holy, almighty, wonderful Spirit. Forgot account? Receive the Fire of God!!! The problem with many Christians is that they don’t experience that God is real. Baptize me with the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16). Log In. or. Jump to. When a Christian is on fire, the devil cannot manipulate his life and blessings. See more of Lion's Voice Ministries on Facebook.