Budgies can be taught to speak, whistle tunes, and play with humans. I've been trying target(not going so well and its been a couple of weeks trying to get him to do target and he is hand tamed.) Budgie Training. It involves calling your budgie, so choose a distinct word or whistle that you don’t use elsewhere in your conversations with him. so we will teach you on how to train your budgie as the best way you can Some are extraverts who seem drawn toward exploration and human interaction, others are more introverted and may prefer your company from a slight distance. How to Teach Your Parakeet to Love You. It can be somewhat difficult to get a parakeet (sometimes called a "budgie") to effectively bond with you, but with a little patience, you can get the bird to come around. Budgie Parakeet Taming, Training, Tricks, Talking. The key to teaching your parakeet successfully is to begin with a couple basic tricks. They are known to be excellent talkers and are capable of learning many tricks. How to Teach a Parrotlet Tricks. Wiki User July 11, 2010 2:08AM. Answer. Teach your budgie “Towel Training.” This teaches your bird to be comfortable with being wrapped in a towel when it is sick or at the vet. Well first you have to teach him the basics. What Tricks Can I Teach My Budgie. As it is, teaching a Budgie to talk is tough. How to Teach Your Parakeet to Love You. soon he will respond to the hand gestures and clicking. Then, teaching it to forget something is tougher. Finally, you need to decide what trick you want your budgie to do - there is a very wide range - and researching on the internet is a good place to start. Teach your Budgie to Talk | How to Tame a Budgie Teach your budgie to Step Up | Teach your Budgie Tricks | It's All About Trust. How to Teach Parakeets to Talk. Parrotlets are the smallest parrot species, and they make delightful, fun pets. Most Budgies easily imitate your whistling, as they identify it as a funny sound. This process is not a simple one however, and will certainly take some time to master. Parakeets, also known as budgies, are very popular pets because they are easy to care for and are smart and inquisitive birds. Teach Your Budgie to Talk. It can be somewhat difficult to get a parakeet (sometimes called a "budgie") to effectively bond with you, but with a little patience, you can get the bird to come around. Related Questions. Well, I'm not exactly sure how to teach budgies tricks and I would really like to teach him some tricks. Please help Thanks! The patience, tolerance and perseverance you need to make your Budgie forget something is double the effort you need to teach some basic vocabulary.