Showing 1–24 of 25 results Antique Bone Baby Teether Rattle £ 38.00 Add to basket. Human Bone Laws & Information - In short, it is perfectly legal to posses and sell human bones in the United States.There are a few exceptions to this: a few states have banned import and export, and of course, any archaeological resources protected by the Native American Graves Protection and … We have a wide range of human skulls, human skeletons, human bones, and other articulated specimens for sale! We have both real bone and medical casts available! Please note: All our human bones are antique medical specimens. Home / Bones Bones. Human Bone Laws & Information - In short, it is perfectly legal to posses and sell human bones in the United States.There are a few exceptions to this: a few states have banned import and export, and of course, archaeological resources protected by the Native American Graves Protection and … 3b scientific, gmbh, ... Second-hand Human Skeleton for sale on UK's largest auction and classifieds sites You searched for: human bones! These skulls typically come from private collectors, medical professionals, and institutions. Human skeleton for sale Life size human skeleton Halloween decoration : ... life size - 170cm tall. Real Human Skulls, Skeletons, & Bones. Genuine antique human skulls. Condition is used though has just been standing for study purposes to learn the bones in the body. Human bones, skeletons and skulls for sale. SKU: 2064. Real Human Skeleton for sale in UK View 66 bargains Human Skulls Are Being Sold Online, But Is It Legal? Vintage Human Skeleton Medical Chart £ 130.00 £ 95.00 Add to basket. SKU: 3394 ... Sale! Vintage Dislocation Human Anatomy Chart In general, it is completely legal to posses, purchase, and sell human bones in the United States, provided … Real Human Bones for Sale The Bone Room Human bones, skeletons and skulls – The Cabinet of Curiosities Bones Skinner and Hyde Animal Bones for sale Human Skulls Are Being Sold Online, But Is It Legal? No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Also browse our tribal items, from the Ifugao, Dayak, and Asmat, to Tibetan Kapalas! All human bones and skeletons are treated with respect and dignity and this must continue. These can be legally privately owned within the UK but must not be used for display without a licence. Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Human bones Etsy Human remains sold on secret Instagram black market for Any advice on selling a real skeleton? Let’s get started!