They also come with some nasty side effects. Not that long ago, you were thrilled to have a Beagle puppy of your very own. Shes never been a nice cat and iv had cats before this. I'm asking to see if anyone knows of another way to advertise (there's not really a better word) that I'm trying to get rid of my dog. Not only are they gross, they can be harmful for your dog and so you need to get rid of them as fast as possible. Prepare your pet. Learn the best treatment for fleas on dogs including natural home remedies and the best flea medication to get rid of fleas fast. How to Treat Hot Spots in Dogs. by Denisse Aguilar on January 22, 2016 in Health 0. HEPA filters can help a lot, as can keeping your pet out of certain areas of the home. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. The reason I need to get rid of him is because he needs a bigger home and a yard to play in. A hot spot, or what veterinarians term "acute moist dermatitis," is a painful and inflamed area of the skin that is often accompanied by discharge and a bad odor. share. You can also call your local non kill shelters. Sometimes giving up a pet is the right thing to do, but it can be distressing for you and them, so must be done carefully. Low-cost vaccination and spay/neuter clinics may be available in your area. I need to get rid of the fleas on my cat and dog and in my house asap - Answered by a verified Cat Vet We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Question. Shes very vicous and just hisses at us all the time. 100% Upvoted. 1 comment. Iv had this cat over 2yrs. Please help. I googled why you should get rid of your dog because unlike most people our dog was bought because my husband wanted one and so did the kids. But I still wouldn’t just kick her to the curb. She roams about the place and its like me and my partner dont exist. While everyone here has good intentions, I’m afraid I must share some first hand information about no kill shelters. I need to get rid of the smell of weed asap. The reason I need to get rid of him is because he needs a bigger home and a yard to play in. Question. [help] [question] how do I get rid of the smell of weed from my room ? The thing is, you’re going to want to do this without those conventional deworming drugs since they can be very harsh. The pets I am trying to get rid of are not “unwanted”. Sometimes giving up a pet is the right thing to do, but it can be distressing for you and them, so must be done carefully. Give your unwanted pet the best chance of finding a happy home: Contact the original seller to see if they would be willing to take your pet back. On other occasions, dogs are given away as if they were toys to people who do not want to share their life with one of them. She has two dogs and one cat that we need to find a home for asap. But I still wouldn’t just kick her to the curb. Items You Need to Get Rid of ASAP – Your Dog’s Health Depends on it!