Instead, they possess bristles, much like the bristles of a comb, that act as a net to capture prey. Baleen whales are filter feeders. Baleen whales practice filter feeding, and the tools for filter feeding are their baleen plates. They don't have the teeth to take a dolphin apart, and can't swallow anything that big. Unlike toothed whales, baleen whales do not have teeth. Baleen whales don't eat Dolphins. The baleen plates are worn down by the whale's tongue, but they also grow back like … Baleen whales are known to engage in filter feeding, a unique method of hunting. They are filter feeders, so they generally eat small animals. Baleen plates are made of keratin, which is the same material found in our fingernails and our hair. The specifics of diet vary depending on the species and its feeding strategy. Baleen Whales: What do They Eat? While toothed whales are predators that hunt for squid, seals, sea lions and, sometimes, other whales, baleen whales engage in filter feeding, which is a method of consuming many small pieces of prey at once.These whales might eat krill, which are tiny crustacean-like organisms, schools of small fish or plankton. Baleen whaled can't eat Dolphins. But the really important difference comes down to how and what they eat.