Community See All. The contestants are competing for cash prizes, and they must keep themselves clean as they navigate an obstacle course designed specifically to make them messy. In order to apply to be on one of our shows, please create a profile with your current contact information. Read on to learn more about this theme and its features: Watch Keep It Spotless Full Episodes Online. Keep it Spotless With the highest estimated price set at $350,000 and the hammer price of mind-boggling $1,700,000 , Keep it Spotless is the silver medalist of this list. Buy 3 get 1 Free!2 Maids for 2 hours-220.00 2 Maids for 3 hours-330.00 2 Maids for 4 hours-440.00Preview Services-2 or After each game, a 360 degree scanner will measure each teams' mess to determine just how spotless they really are. Keep it Spotless is an American adaptation of the British format just simply called Spotless as it mainly features kids competing in a variety of physical and paint-filled challenges that are designed with one goal in mind -- to stay clean as possible. After each game, a 360 degree scanner will measure each teams' mess to determine just how spotless they really are. ... Sign Up. The cleaner they are, the more money they can win; in fact, if a team can stay pretty clean as possible, they could win up to$10,000. Keep It Spotless is an American competition television series that premiered on Nickelodeon on March 26, 2018. Sign up for free to create and share your own lists! Carpet Cleaning. "Keep it Spotless" is a kids competition series that focuses on keeping everything --you got it-- spotless and clean. The games are very basic (spraying competitors with paint, transferring paint from buckets on their heads to a measured container, etc.) Create New Profile. You will be redirected to the Show application once your profile has been successfully created. Keep It Spotless is featured on these show lists created by SideReel members. Watch Keep It Spotless. The problem is that the course was specifically designed to get them dirty. From Executive Producer, John Cena, comes Keep It Spotless – a brand new Nickelodeon game show where kids compete to stay clean throughout a series of very messy challenges! For a chance to win big, teams must compete in a series of messy, paint-filled challenges all while trying to stay as clean as possible! Auctioned on February 14th, 2008, during the Sotheby’s Charity auction in New York, the amount of money paid for this piece of urban art caught everyone by surprise, making it the most expensive Banksy ever sold . Keep It Spotless, Nickelodeon's new competition series, is executive produced by Cena and features kids competing in a variety of physical and paint-filled challenges designed with one goal in mind--to stay as clean as possible. Add to Watchlist. 189 people like this. Deadline. In each episode, teams of kids wearing ultra-white morph suits, compete in a series of physical games where they have one goal — to stay spotless! ... We combine traditional methods with our water-fed-pole system, which allows us to clean gutters, windows and fascias up to 5 storeys from the ground. This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. Signup for Breaking News Alerts ... Sign up for our breaking news alerts. Keep it Spotless Ltd provides specialist cleaning services to commercial properties and private esta... See More. Keep It Spotless, Nickelodeon's new competition series, is executive produced by Cena and features kids competing in a variety of physical and paint-filled challenges designed with one goal in mind--to stay as clean as possible. 187 people follow this. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as a neat typography to style your content.