The adult King of Saxony Bird of Paradise is approximately 22 cm long. Population justification: The global population size has not been quantified, but the species is reported to be common (Frith and Beehler 1998). Other articles where King bird-of-paradise is discussed: bird-of-paradise: The king bird-of-paradise (Cicinnurus regius), only 13 to 17 cm long, has similar but flag-tipped tailwires and fanlike side plumes. The Wilson's bird-of-paradise is a small bird of the Paradisaeidae family.. Males are recognizable by their brilliant red coloring and their two long, ornamental wire-like tail feather shafts, and the circular swirl of feathers of bright green on the ends. The courtship displays of the red and white King bird of paradise. The unadorned female is greyish brown with barred underparts. The king bird-of-paradise, this so-called "living gem", is the smallest and the most vividly colored of the birds-of-paradise. king bird of paradise facts. They are rivalled only by a few pheasants and hummingbirds in colour and in the bizarre shape of the males’ plumage. The dagger-shaped bill often seems too long or too big for the rest of the bird, but it is well designed for capturing food. Information about the classification of regius. (2016) and unsustainable levels of hunting. It appears like they have long wires that are spiraled at the end. Birds of paradise are so attractive that their appearance once made them the target of skin hunters, who decimated some species. The King Bird of Paradise is a passerine bird and is the sole member of the genus Cicinnurus . The King Bird-of-paradise, Cicinnurus regius is a small, approximately 16 cm long, passerine bird of the Paradisaeidae (Bird-of-paradise) family. The bird is sometimes known as Kisaba by the natives of Papua New Guinea and Western New Guinea, … The two elongated tail wires are decorated with emerald green disk feathers on its tip. Facts about Birds of Paradise 7: the size. Birds-of-paradise are closely related to the corvids. If you check the big one, it can have the weight around 15 oz or 430 gram with the length at 17 inches or 44 cm. 4 years ago. The bird-of-paradise plant was discovered by Europeans after they’d already discovered the avian bird of paradise. King Bird of paradise- This is the smallest bird of paradise, and is red in color. The diet consists mainly of fruits and arthropods. Today I want to write about one of the most stunning and beautiful birds in the world, the king bird-of-paradise. The smaller one is the king bird of paradise which has the length at 5.9 inches or 15 cm with the weight around 1.8 oz or 50 gram. The male is black and yellow with a dark brown iris, black bill, brownish-grey legs, aqua-green mouth, with two remarkably long (up to 50 cm) scalloped, enamel-blue brow-plumes that can be erected at the bird's will.