Add insulation and nesting material to your bird boxes with our quality Nesting Wood Chips. Refer to the habitat requirements page for specific information. The ducks will find your box by seeing the contrast in color caused by the entry hole. 7. Box Placement Owls do not bring nesting materials to their nests, and will use the 1" to 2" deep layer of pine shavings for laying their eggs. * Place the box under a tree limb at the woodland edge, with adjacent fields or wetlands. Back to top. This sturdy attractive cedar nesting box is designed specifically for owls and kestrels. The screech-owl nest box is ready to hang onto a tree or post or building. After all, an owl has to find the nesting box before it can use it to raise its young. Unlike many nesting birds, screech owls do not bring materials into the box for building their nests, and a layer of pine shavings will help to protect the eggs. The screech-owl nest box is ready to hang onto a tree or post or building. For depth, about 5 cm, or two inches is appreciated by some species, and will be reduced to suit preferences if too deep by other species. Do not use sawdust or cedar shavings. Place a couple handfuls of pine shavings or dry leaves into the box for nesting material. Based on the literature I’ve read, they recommend mounting these about 15 feet high. Cedar is a naturally rot-resistant wood, so there’s no need to paint or stain the box. For example, nest boxes for bluebirds should be placed in open habitat. It's important to help them out by placing four to six inches of wood shavings in the bottom of the box. Every year in the fall, after the nesting season has completed, or in the winter, clean out old nesting material from the box and replace it with a fresh layer of wood shavings. Crimson Rosella chicks on their bedding of shredded (by mum) wood shavings. The wood shavings will serve as nesting material for owl chicks during the spring time. Recommended placement is near open woods or edge of wooded lots mounted 8 to 20-ft above ground. But I say mount them at the height you feel safest or have an experienced person hang the box for you. The Barn Owl will not go in to a box if there are twigs and other nesting material in it Do not use cedar shavings or sawdust. Placing Your Screech Owl Nesting Box. Hanging the nest box: Add 1" to 2" of pine shavings to the bottom of the finished nesting box. Please several inches of wood shavings in the box in early spring. Wood shavings placed in a box can get damp and moldy and create lung problems for the Barn Owls. wood shavings or pine needles ... (Spotted Eagle Owl/Barn Owl) or in a loft of a shed or on the under the eaves of a dwelling (Barn Owl) 4-6m above the ground, be secure and stable and POSITION of NESTING BOX • during the year, only when they breed. Screech owls don't build nests inside the box, so make sure you scatter 2 to 3 inches of untreated wood shavings (such as those sold for rabbit bedding at … Each winter, clean out the nest box and replace the wood shavings in the bottom of the box. Owls do not bring nesting materials to their nests, and will use the 1" to 2" deep layer of pine shavings for laying their eggs. 6-30 feet: 3 1/4" high x 4 1/4" wide: 2/3 mile: Eastern Bluebird 100% Pine shavings help insulate the eggs, and prevent them … Place wood shavings in the bottom of the box.