Help them make their own homes by creating hedgehog-friendly sites around the garden. An animated sequence that explores the common features of all animal lifecycles. Make sure that your hedgehog box is sturdy, as both badgers and foxes prey on hedgehogs. (Pat Morris, The New Hedgehog Book)Hedgehogs reach sexual maturity in their second year of life, and after this can breed every year until death. Back: « Laying Eggs. The gestation period (how long a female hedgehog is pregnant) in between 4 and 6 weeks. Hedgehog facts for kids: learn all about these adorable mammals, with facts about the hedgehog’s habitat, diet, defence mechanisms, size and behaviour. Hedgehogs hibernate alone from November to April under a supporting structure such as a shed, wood piles, brambles, open compost bags or bonfire heaps. Here are some facts about hedgehogs. This life cycle of a bat activity is a black and white version, therefore, towards the end of the lesson, encourage children to colour in their life cycles for a bit of brightness! As the days get warmer animals which have hibernated start to wake up after the long winter. Hedgehogs eat insects, worms, snails, mice and frogs. Females give birth to between 1 and 11 young. Fun facts about bats for kids. Some species can live up to nine years. The small species of hedgehogs can have up to three or four hoglets. Each picture has a written description with accompanying audio. Hedgehogs mate shortly after waking from hibernation. Like many of the first mammals they have adapted to a nocturnal way of life. Of course, the easiest way to house a hedgehog does not involve much effort on your part at all. Lends itself well to an interactive whiteboard. The Life Cycle of a Hedgehog. Give students a chance to engage in different activities to help them understand growth and animal life cycles. Hedgehog Facts: Life Cycle. The male Hedgehog is called a ‘Boar’ and is slightly larger than a female Hedgehog which is called a ‘Sow’. Hedgehog breeding and babies. Plant Life Cycles. This site has an animation of the life cycle of a plant. Using Life Cycle of a Frog PowerPoints, Word Mats (Minibeasts), Display Photos, Workbooks and much more! That is the “prickles” life cycle. KS2 Literacy - Hedgehog Lifecycle Sequencer (Simple) This is an interactive activity for pupils to sequence the stages of hedgehog’s lifecycle. Devon Wildlife Trust, working alongside British Hedgehog Preservation Society and People’s Trust for Endangered Species, is asking the people of Devon to help our hogs. You definitely couldn't get a job or go find your own food at that age. There is a comprehension exercise on this and a quiz to test your knowledge. When you were a few weeks old, you were just a baby. By curling into a tight ball and tucking in their heads, tail, and legs, they protect the parts of their bodies that do not have stiff, sharp spines. Next: Frogs lay Spawn » The snuffling noises they make as they search for their food in hedgerows gave hedgehogs their name. There are over 1000 species of bats. Out of Hibernation. Courtship is a grandiose term for what is actually a rather ill-tempered and seemingly tedious affair. They are nocturnal and sleep all day in nests […] Hedgehogs have prickly spines everywhere except on their face, legs, and bellies. They are found throughout Europe. Get an idea of what you know about the hedgehog's life stages. Often compared to pincushions, hedgehogs depend on their spines for defense—both while they sleep and when they face enemies. The average hedgehog can live up to 3.5 years. Has most of you need to know about hedgehogs - what they look, why they have spikes, hibernation, autumn, nocturnal, what they eat, hidden talents. Hedgehogs are animals which hibernate in nesting sites of grass and leaves. New young life, growth, reproduction and ageing are explained in simple terms. Learn about the different stages of an animal's life in this BBC Bitesize KS1 Science guide. Answer study questions on topics like a name for baby hedgehogs and the time when a mother hedgehog has her babies. Teach your KS1 students about the life of a well-known amphibian with these Life Cycle of a Frog resources. The Latin name for the European hedgehog is Erinaceus europaeus.