This large 4 1/2 foot snake tends to be found along Colorado’s western slope across a variety of habitats. You don’t need to … In fact, the humidity levels of rooms are good enough for the gopher snake. A captive Gopher snake can live to be up to 33 years of age, but in the wild, it is likely to be far less – between 12 to 15 years. But in captivity, gopher snakes can live for over 30 years. They show few signs of aging and can breed well in to their teens. On its back are 33 to 66 light- to dark-brown or reddish blotches on a ground color of yellow, straw, tan or cream. The subspecies' range doesn't extend east of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Gophers do not venture too far from their underground infrastructure, and for even more security from natural predators, feed holes are created near above ground food sources. And even snakes … It is a special kind called a pocket gopher, and while they are common, they are almost impossible to see. Though some bull snakes can be docile, and with some time become accustomed to handling, most are quite defensive. Gophers are active during the day and are fossorial, which means they live most of their lives underground. The lifespan of a wild gopher snake is approximately 12 to 15 years. Scarlet kingsnakes (Lampropeltis elapsoides) like to live under the bark of dead pine trees, while black rat snakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) live in the holes of hardwood trees high above the ground. So, which snakes give birth to live young? Latin Name Pituophis catenifer History at CuriOdyssey One snake was donated by a private citizen. The lifespan of a wild gopher snake is approximately 12 to 15 years. Great Basin Gopher Snake Great Basin Gopher Snake. Snakes spend much of their lives hiding from predators, and they use a variety of micro-habitats to accomplish this. A. Gophers want to live in your yard because the dirt is easy to dig and there is plenty of food. But in captivity, gopher snakes can live for over 30 years. 9) Gopher Snakes Can Live for Over 30 Years. Outside of the Mojave Desert, gopher snakes also often live in shrublands, prairies, foothills and sand dunes. Diet varies according to size, with young eating insects, lizards, rodents, and birds and their eggs. Photo Credit: Ranger Robb (Flickr). Most vipers, and all of the rattlesnakes, fall into this category. Reproduction: The gopher snake breeds from The Gopher Snake life cycle begins in spring, when snakes emerge from their over-wintering hibernacula (dens) to mate. Gopher Snake Substrate and Housing. The Gopher lays up to 24 eggs while the Rattlesnake gives birth to live young. The gopher snake occurs in a wide variety of habitats, from deserts and grasslands to woodlands and open forests. So let's visit with the neighbors, because Oregon's 15 snake species are most everywhere. Common name: Pacific gopher snake, coast gopher snake, western gopher snake, more. 6. The Gopher snake is also slimmer than the Rattlesnake, athough if you only met one in the wild, you wouldn’t have the other snake to measure it by. It is the atavistic fear of the bite that makes the experience frightening. Gopher Snake Lifespan. The Great Basin Gopher Snake is a great climber and swimmer, which makes it versatile in what it eats and how it defends itself. Yes, gophers do live in Florida. One of at least eight subspecies of gopher snake, the Pacific gopher snake lives in California, north of Santa Barbara County and up the coast into Oregon. Their first action is to remain quiet, not moving. As mentioned above, both viviparous species (no eggs) and ovoviviparous species (egg retained inside the body) produce live and fully functional baby snakes.