Home Bulls for sale Heifers and Cows for Sale Videos History of Limousin Contact and Locate us Ollar Limousin Ranch began with one fullblood granddaughter of Deux Ami Honey and daughter of Texas Ranger Ted, and has become a well-recognized and respected breeder of foundation stock, largely homozygous polled. Limousin cattle made a deep impression in French cattle shows during the 1850s. Intensive Vs. Extensive Farming: The Differences You Never Knew. What are the pros and cons of these two breeds. Very poor prices at sale barns. In my opinion the cons far outweigh the pros. That is why I … Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your favorite breed. Limousin - the natural genetic advantage. The cattle belonged to the already mentioned de Leobary herd. Their hair, although an advantage in their native Scotland, can be troublesome for Highland cattle bred in other countries. ... Pros and Cons of Herefords. whats the difference between a limousin and a club-calf how would it be to breed to heiferds after having these which i hope will be baldies would it be good to breed these calves back to heiford bull would you still get baldies I know where i want to go but don't know best way to … 1)Pros & cons of crossing polled herfords to black limousin or angus how is their temperment/gentleness. Breeding Pros:-Gives you the opportunity to use superior genetics from a sire that you could never afford to purchase. Small supply of miniatures. 27 March 2020. Blog. Wiki User April 06, 2011 5:17PM. Exceptionally lean beef can be easy to overcook. CattleToday's Q & A Boards are a Cattle Forum for swapping information and asking and answering questions about breed, health problems, beginners questions and jokes about cattle and horses. Ill defend that argument anyday! Don't most folks think crossbreds won that argument in the 1970s? Wherever it came from, the Limousin was designed to thrive in a harsh environment with only limited supervision. L Nuge The Funny Farm . No one can pinpoint its ancestry exactly, but many historians believe it is closely related to other cattle breeds from southwestern Europe, particularly the Blonde d’Aquitaine.. Then there are Sanga Cattle (Bos inducus africanus). Surprisingly Awesome Facts About Limousin Cattle. The Benefits of Limousin: Generating Profit With Limousin: Let’s Count the Ways by Kyle Haley, Editor, Limousin World While most breeds of beef cattle would love for cattlemen to believe they are the answer, the fact is one breed cannot be all things to all people. I can give you the run-down on some pros and cons for each breed. Hey, wait a minute. Choosing a Breed of Cattle Is the Texas Longhorn right for you? The Limousin is a rich gold colour, with lighter circles around the eye and the muzzle, and shading to a lighter colour on the legs. Jerseys are fine, just need lots of grain to get up to slaughter weight. There are cattle in both breeds that are reliable in terms of calving and milk as well. Limousin Cattle Breed -- This guy weighs a tonne on average!