She’d been doing a little research on the leaf footed bugs (related to stink bugs) and sent me 3 links with some interesting information. They are closely related to other sucking insects, such as stink bugs (family Pentatomidae) that can also suck juices from plants. Grimm C, Guharay F. 2010. they are everywhere and when i either scare them , You may have seen one to five of them on your veggies about early May and now, by all appearances, the populations are high and appear to be damaging your vegetables. What are Leaf Footed Bugs? Learn how to control them organically. Leaf-footed plant bugs can be a frustrating problem for those growing tomatoes and other plants, fortunately, there are ways and products to control the pest. “Leaf footed bug” refers to a wide variety of bugs that have a widened lower leg. The spiders are actually helping rather than hurting! Help im being invaded by the leaf footed bugs (stink bugs) i walk out to my garden and i get bombarded by fleeing leaf footed bugs they are eating my tomatoes. I am also trying to keep the garden organic and want a pesticide that can be applied near harvest time. have long mouthparts they use to pierce and suck the sap from plant leaves, fruit and shoots. I have tried catch and kill by hand and while have got many aver the past two weeks, I feel I am loosing the war. After overwintering, the adults seek out host plants to feed on and begin the process of reproduction. These are true bugs (Hemiptera) and are not as easily controlled as most other garden pests. ... “Leaf footed bug” refers to a wide variety of bugs that have a widened lower leg. This is a defense action that keeps predators (and people) at bay. I am in Houston TX and am having trouble with leaf footed bug on tomatos (in particular). This insect is a type of stink bug which will be very evident if you get your hands on one. ... "How to Get Rid of Leaf-Footed Plant Bug Nymphs… I offer information that will help us understand the form, habit, function and potential control of these unwanted visitors. Feeding by adult leaffooted bugs on young nuts before the shell hardens causes the embryo to wither and abort, or may cause the nut to gum internally, resulting in a bump or gumming on the shell. Suitability of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) as single host plant for the leaf-footed bug Leptoglossus zonatus Dallas (Het. We also offer a concentrate approved for organic gardening. The other day, a sharp eyed person pointed out some bright orange-red bugs like these on the leaves of one of our potato plants. Leaf footed bugs can cause a lot of damage to crops like tomatoes, pecans, peaches and tender young crops. ... Insecticides such as permethrin, cyfluthrin or esfenvalerate can be used to control leaf-footed bugs. Leaf footed bugs can cause a lot of damage to crops like tomatoes, pecans, peaches and tender young crops. It can also cause nut drop. Leaf footed bugs will also feed on squash plants. Although it is a sporadic pest in almonds, in years when weather and other conditions are right, significant damage can occur. Also provides control of spider mites. There are nine species of leaf-footed bugs in Florida. They are just about as bad as squash bugs, or maybe worse because they seem to feed on all sorts of veggies. Here are some great photos and classifications from BugGuide.Not only do they like tomatoes, they also like pecans, prickly pear, peaches and many other tender young plants and beans.