The following is our calendar of bird price increases throughout the year. The birds are promted to fly several times daily. We sell Jumbo Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail. Our quail farm is situated on 122 acres of quiet, open grasslands in Wesley, Texas. With four generations of experience selling poultry we have great Quail for you! If you are looking to Buy Quail in South Carolina, North Carolina, or Georgia, we are the place to come. Our 8,000 square ft facility is clean, organized, and streamlined to help us produce the best bobwhites available. Day Old Northern Bobwhite Quail Baby Chicks For Sale Scientific name: Colinus virginianus The Northern Bobwhite Quail is an upland game bird native to America and the most studied of all quail. Located in Montgomery, Texas (about one hour North of Houston), we are a family-owned and operated bird game farm specializing in BobWhite Quail. Quail must be shipped in warmer weather and are available from June through mid September. The bird's natural homing instinct motivates them to live and reproduce where they were raised and released. Breeds : Mearns,Mountain,Benson,Blue Scale, Snowfalke Bobwhite, Crimson and Cream Bobwhite and Georgia Giant Bobwhite. About our Quail Chicks ... Northern Bobwhite Quail Chicks $5.00. Our birds are healthy, well cared for and ready to fly! Live Quail, Pheasant and Chukar Sale Price. We can't mix the different breeds of quail to make 100. ... Northern Bobwhite Quail. The male's upper body is reddish-brown with a belly … flight pens. Ralph Russell HC 71 Box 166 Buckhannon, West Virginia 26267. Quail for Sale. $5.00. ... Courtunix eggs for sale Quality large Courtunix quail eggs for sale. Home; Bobwhite Quail Chicks. We raise and sell flight and weather conditioned Northern Bobwhite Quail and other game birds for hunting, training, and restocking. Farm raised game birds and eggs for sale. Shop For Quail at Stromberg's! quail for sale, quail, birds, east texas quail, hunting, texas. Shop For Quail at Stromberg's! Thank you for stopping by and saying hello! Our family farm is located on 60 acres in Culver Minnesota, 27 miles northwest of Duluth. HOWDY! Flight-Ready BobWhite Quail for Sale in Texas! Create your breeder listing now! Game Bird Farms, Game bird breeders, breeders and suppliers of bobwhite quail, northern bobwhite quail, chukar partridge, ringneck pheasant, valley quail , gambel quail , ornamental pheasants, game bird supplies. Bobwhite Quail. We sell Jumbo Wisconsin Bobwhite Quail. We are a NPIP tested and certified disease free farm They also can make great pets and are known for their special bobwhite call. Our goal is to raise the healthiest, hardiest flying birds, for dog trainers and game preserves. Wadley Quail Farm has produced what we think is the best all purpose Bobwhite Quail on the market today. Wadley Quail Farm has produced what we think is the best all purpose Bobwhite Quail on the market today.