The City Life RPG 3 MOD is an Online RPG built on the Armed Assault 3 engine offering an online community for you to enjoy. Arma 3's real life locations of the maps (Including Virtual Reality) MEME. All files are sorted by category. r/arma: Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Introduced to supplement the Zamak family of trucks, the Tempest is a highly flexible, multi-purpose modular vehicle that sports different capabilities depending on the variant such as transporting troops, and repairing or refuelling vehicles. ARMA 3 is an open-world, realism-based, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive.It was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and later announced for macOS and Linux in August 2015.. ARMA 3 takes place in the mid-2030s, on the islands of Altis and Stratis in the Aegean Sea, and the South Pacific island of Tanoa. Game updates, videos, pictures, discussions, help, and more. Find and install player-created scenarios and mods, or create your … Even Namalsk is postponed because of it. Featured as an official terrain both in ArmA: Cold War Assault as well as ArmA 3, Malden is a Mediterranean island that contains a mixture of desert terrain, forests, farmlands, mountains, rolling hills, … Sumrak is remastering Livonia for SA. Ace (Atsche) for bringing that curse over me! The country seems to be inspired by the real-world historical region of Livonia, now a part of both Estonia and Latvia. ARMA 3 is an open-world, realism-based, military tactical shooter video game developed and published by Bohemia Interactive.It was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and later announced for macOS and Linux in August 2015. Located in the northern plains of Germany, Weferlingen offers the largest Arma terrain released so far: 419 square kilometers of usable area. The Arma community has a really cool group of people (and also old farts like me) and we try to help each other. It's modeled after a real-world location in 1983, and uses entirely new assets – providing you with a unique experience that gives Arma 3 an entirely fresh look and feel. What started that hobby? Walk, swim, drive, fly, and sail your way across 100 km² of South Pacific island terrain. After five years spent in Chernarus, DayZ is getting a brand new map in the form of Livonia, which is based on Arma 3's Contact Expansion map. The Livonian Defense Force (shortened to LDF) is an Independent faction in ArmA 3. Chernarus is a beautiful map. Livonia's Andrzejów Gap is a reference to the real-world "Suwalki Gap", a small stretch of territory along the Lithuania-Poland border which divides Russia from the Kaliningrad Oblast. As soon as your SAMs are knocked out every vehicle is going to get vaporized by bombers. ALTIS. Arma 3 Contact will add 163 square kilometers of new terrain in the fictional Eastern European nation of Livonia. In this section you can find all available community made files for Arma 3. I will be happy to pay 15-20$ to enjoy new high-quality map for SA. I am not sure about extent of reworking of Livonia, but from what I gathered there will be hike trails and lot of other assets which are not part of Arma's Livonia. You also design Arma 3 terrains and mods for the community! *Looking for testers and admins for my new EXLIFE server. The Tempest is a logistics transport vehicle used exclusively by CSAT forces in ArmA 3. With Chernarus, every life does feel pretty different. Arma 3's real life locations of the maps (Including Virtual Reality) MEME. If you can not find the file you are looking for the Search Function might be helpfull and otherwise you can always ask in the forums! This forum is for discussing Arma 3. I was recklessly playing the other night and I found that many of my respawns felt like I was going through the same areas over and over again.