It is the second longest non-stop flight from the United States. A female wader shorebird migrated 7,145 miles non-stop from Alaska to Hawaii. A female wader shorebird migrated 7,145 miles non-stop from Alaska to Hawaii. This bird makes the longest non-stop migratory flight. But there's nothing diminutive about this bird's amazing migration abilities. Bar-Tailed Godwit. Longest non-stop flight: Bar-tailed godwit. Great snipes get to their migration destination in record time, and Arctic terns have the longest migration but with pit-stops. Burned off during flight, the fat yields more than twice the energy of comparable amounts of carbohydrates or protein. Well, one bird, the bar-tailed godwit, knows the feeling. In addition, the godwit’s body undergoes a remarkable change: its intestines and gizzard, which the bird makes little use of during migration, shrink, allowing more space to store fat. It's the longest nonstop bird migration ever measured, according to biologists who tracked the flight using satellite tags. He also shares his concerns for conservation of these wonderful birds. Bar-Tailed Godwit. Ever had a flight that seemed like it was never going to end? Ever had a flight that seemed like it was never going to end? Mileage: 8,578. Hope that helps. The first aircraft to fly this route took off on October 27, 2017, and it reached Singapore after 17 hours and 50 minutes. Over the weekend, Qantas began flying its new non-stop route from Perth to London. The blackpoll warbler is a small songbird that weighs 12 grams, the equivalent of two nickels and a dime. Scientists found that three Alpine swifts travelled 1,240 miles non-stop Airline: Qantas. This incredible species spends over 200 con This bird makes the longest non-stop migratory flight. It flies 7,000 miles over the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to New Zealand. For birds that spend the most time in the air during their lives, the record goes to the Alpine swift. From November to March, the return flight is still a one-stop through Dakar, in case you were wondering how to get that souvenir Dakar Rally T-shirt without actually going to the race. It flies 7,000 miles over the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to New Zealand. Alpine swifts have the longest non-stop flight record for any avian species, spending more than 6 months in flight without taking a break each year. United Airlines introduced this non-stop flight on October 9, 2017, with its main aim being to save about two hours. Covering a distance of more than 9,000 miles, and taking 17 hours, 20 minutes on the outbound, the new flight … E7 is a female bar-tailed godwit who has earned herself the distinction of the longest non-stop flight recorded for a land bird. Massey University senior lecturer Dr Phil Battley shares his amazing discovery that godwits make the longest non-stop flight of any migrating bird in the world. The bar-tailed godwit flew for 9 days straight and didn't stop for food, water or rest, setting the record for the longest non-stop bird flight. Total flight time: 17 hours, 20 minutes. Top 10 Longest Non-Stop Flights in the World.