A newly found protein may be the naked mole rat’s secret weapon in warding off cancer. In trying to find a cure for cancer, where better to look than the animals that experience very low rates of the disease, or don't get it at all? Recent studies revealed that the cells of Naked mole-rats make a sticky … Sharks Get Cancer, Mole Rats Don't: How Animals Could Hold the Key to Unlocking Cancer Immunity in Humans: 9781633881549: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com No cancer. Heavy "gloop" that allows mole rats to slip through tight spaces may also ... Naked mole rats reveal why they are immune to cancer. When secreted by the naked mole rat's … But when they reduced the amount of hyaluronan created by the naked mole rat cells in the mice, tumors formed. That's the thinking behind new research into elephants and naked mole rats, which scientists are hoping could point the way towards better treatments in humans. Blind mole rats don't get cancer, and geneticists have worked out why: Their cells kill themselves with a poisonous protein when they multiply too much. Loyola University Health System. ... Naked mole rats are very different to us, so we don't know how extra hyaluronan would affect us. Blind mole rats don't get cancer, and geneticists have worked out why: Their cells kill themselves with a poisonous protein when they multiply too much. By Ian Steadman, Wired UK. James S. Welsh, MD, a radiation oncologist and researcher, has written a book on the immunology of cancer, Sharks Get Cancer, Mole Rats Don’t: How Animals Could Hold the Key to Unlocking Cancer Immunity in Humans. Just when it seemed the naked mole rat couldn't get any weirder, it turns out the buck-toothed, bare-skinned rodents don't even age. Scientists have discovered the naked mole rat's unique mechanism to staying cancer free -- a super sugar called high-molecular-mass Hyaluronan (HMM-HA). ... and if that wasn’t impressive enough, they don’t get cancer. In case that isn’t amazing enough, breaking down fructose causes high levels of acid to accumulate in the body, which naked mole rats tolerate – how, we don't yet know. By Kai Kupferschmidt Jan. 26, 2018 , 5:30 PM. The description of malignancies in Tasmanian Devils that transmit between individuals, sexually transmitted tumors that cross multiple canine species, as well why naked mole rats don’t get cancer would have made a completely satisfying book for me. But heterocephalus glaber, to use the Naked mole-rats latin name, is most famous for a health related trait - they never get cancer. Sharks Get Cancer, Mole Rats Don't: How Animals Could Hold the Key to Unlocking Cancer Immunity in Humans: 9781633881549: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com Although they are quite ugly and confined to a life underground, naked mole rats have at least one attribute that other animals, even humans, might aspire to: They don't get cancer. These wrinkly living sausages are so different from us that they could reveal secrets into natural cancer resistance, which we could use to make our own cancer … The animal that doesn't get cancer. Naked mole rats defy the biological law of aging. A provocative new book by radiation oncologist James S. Welsh, Sharks Get Cancer, Mole Rats Don’t: How Animals Could Hold the Key to Unlocking Cancer Immunity in Humans, explores how animals can help us understand how the immune system can be used to fight cancer… A newly found protein may be the naked mole rat’s secret weapon in warding off cancer. In trying to find a cure for cancer, where better to look than the animals that experience very low rates of the disease, or don't get it at all? Brandon Vick / University of Rochester In the world of animal models, naked mole rats … There are other differences between our cells and naked mole rat cells, but this is the primary mechanism by which they evade cancer. New research indicates that it’s the body’s response to mutant cells that determines whether cancer will develop. That's the thinking behind new research into elephants and naked mole rats, which scientists are hoping could … Here's why naked mole rats don't get cancer Naked mole rats are small, hairless, subterranean rodents that have never been known to get cancer. ScienceDaily. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160506132525.htm (accessed March 6, 2020). I find this work fascinating, not just because it features the awesome naked mole rat, but because it explains the molecular mechanism of why naked mole rats don’t get cancer.