The answer is: “No, he was not killed by a manta ray!” Steve Irwin died in 2006 after he accidentally got stung directly into the heart by a short-tail stingray. And herein lies the primary reason behind this particular project, as its ultimate goal is the creation of a global mobulid identification guide book … Pectoral fins ("wings") long and pointed. Devil-ray definition, manta. Is it a manta ray – or a devil ray? Manta rays do not have a stinger or barb on their tail, while most Stingrays do. Stingray vs Manta Ray Cartilaginous fishes are interesting creatures with many distinguished characteristics they share among them, yet the differences within the group are also fascinating to know. devil ray synonyms, devil ray pronunciation, devil ray translation, English dictionary definition of devil ray. Quizzes. The primary difference between a Manta ray and a Stingray is the presence or absence of a stinger. The second most significant difference is the size of each ray. Grammar ... Also called manta ray, devil ray, devilfish. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Devil ray . He is also an alternate version of Black Manta (due to copyright issues at the time). n. 1. Devil and Manta Ray Conservation Strategy Workshop, 2014, Durban, South Africa. Stingrays are much, much smaller and stay on or near the bottom, where they scavenge or catch small animals to eat. by Mark 'Crowley' Russell. Stingray and manta ray … Development of a Global Devil and Manta Ray Conservation Strategy. Word Finder & Unscrambler. Define devil ray. Although not usually targeted by fisheries, devil rays often become victims as bycatch or from entanglement. ... Guide to the Manta and Devil Rays of the World. According to writer Dwayne McDuffie, the reason behind the character being named Devil Ray and not Black Manta is because the rights to Aquaman characters were not available at the time, as … Devil ray may refer to: The Manta ray, Manta birostris, the largest of the rays. Mobula is a genus of rays in the family Mobulidae found worldwide in tropical and warm, temperate seas. Manta ray, also called devil ray, any of several genera of marine rays comprising the family Mobulidae (class Selachii). A dead manta is worth $40 to $500, while manta ray tourism can bring in $1 million during the life of a single manta ray. By Daniel Fernando, 24th September 2013 One of the fundamental issues encountered by marine biologists and fisheries researchers around the world is the inability to clearly identify mobulid species, which is due to the extreme similarities between the 11 extant species. “Isn’t that what killed Steve Irwin?” Before the manta activity starts, that is one of the most frequently asked questions we get about manta rays vs stingrays.