Covers bites by adults and kids, dogs and cats, and wild animals. 1 decade ago. Im new here (first post) and i pretty much got an account here to ask one question. I also held him as she moved a poop he did into the cage and he never stopped trying to bite me. My new guinea pig keeps biting me and drew blood? This didn;t work so I started also holding it;s mouth shut while I say no. ... she did not find a single reported case where a ferret bite resulted in a serious or life-threatening infection. A rat bite looks like a small puncture on your skin. I don't think he has bitten my boyfriend but today he bit me while he was licking me and bit me and broke the skin. I've never had to deal with a baby. Covers home treatment. Relevance . I don't think he has bitten my boyfriend but today he bit me while he was licking me and bit me and broke the skin. Ferret Just bit and drew blood.? so last week i got two guinea pigs, i did the usual thing, we let them settle in for a few days, i try to pet one of them and he popcorn's, but yet its not really pop-corning. Dogs' mouths are full of bacteria and you can get a really bad infection unless properly treated. My New Guinea Pig Keeps Biting Me And Drew Blood. Boy, did that hurt! `He will allso will hiss at me after a wile of biting. All my other ferrets have beeen 3+ years when I got them. Should I go to the ER or page my doctor urgently? Anyway, he keeps biting and drew blood on me. Is my child going to catch rabies or some other strange disease? He was pretty chill and then about 1 hour after we got home he started really nipping nonstop and drew blood from 16 year old. Answer Save. Many bites will clear up within a few hours or days and can be safely treated at home. And this one is vicious as $%&@. She is 9. Covers puncture wounds, cuts, scrapes, and crushing injuries. People and animals have a lot of bacteria in their mouths, which can cause an infection if a bite breaks the skin. If the bite doesn’t break the skin, your chances of developing serious health complications are low. he bit my arm and gave me a nice puncher wound. We treat him well and feed him properly and have a nice little home … I have a 3 month old ferret. Today, she had her food stuck to the roof of her mouth so i tried to get it out, she bit me and drew blood, I went to punish her and she hissed, I never punished her, she must have been scared - that's ok. I tried to pin him down like others have told me, don’t remember the term they called it, think it was scuffing or something, but he’s too fast and always bites my fingers and draws blood. So, if your pet rat bites you and you draw blood, you need to call your doctor for guidance. My hamster was very sweet and only ever did the lightest bites. My 16 year old daughter and I picked a male about 8 weeks. How I can stop this dog from doing this? I found no markings to indicate he was domesticated, he had no tattoos or chipped and he bit me three times, the third time he actually drew blood.