Symptoms of Nerve Damage. Nerve damage can occur because of autoimmune diseases, motor neuron diseases, cancer, infection, or diabetes. Image by Fanukhan 986 on Pixabay: Nerves in the human brain can become permanently damaged by the Borrelia bacteria. Neuropraxia is the least serious type of nerve damage because it stretches nerves but doesn't severe them. Ways a Dog Bite Can Cause Nerve Damage. If the wound becomes infected there will be pain, swelling, warmth and pus formation. List of causes of Insect bites and Nerve symptoms, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more. 3. Avulsion: The bite tears the skin creating a flap. Treatment and management of a dog bite depends upon the severity of the wound. It is important to define the symptoms for a proper diagnosis in order to effectively treat the underlying condition. Because the signs of nerve damage are gradual, there is a good chance they can at least be recognized and partially treated. From there, it travels along other nerves to the salivary glands and into the saliva. This occurs more often on the face, ear or neck. The virus is transmitted in the saliva of an infected animal. The human mouth is full of bacteria and the bite pushes the bacteria into the puncture wound. Another symptom to watch for is an altered ability to taste in the injured portion of the tongue. Can a dog bite cause nerve damage? A bite can also cause tendon, joint and nerve injuries. Symptoms. Once Lyme disease progresses to the late stages, it’s not entirely impossible to cure the damage it has caused, but some patients will suffer from permanent nerve damage. A lingual nerve injury can lead to drastic changes to a person's daily life, including socialization issues and emotional distress. The symptoms also can range from mildly odd sensations to excruciating pain from the fingers to the forearm. About 4.5 million dog bites occur in the US. Often, a dog bite will get infected and will need medical treatment. About 27,000 will need surgery. Symptoms of a dog bite include swelling, redness, pain, and cuts or puncture wounds. Nerve damage to the wrist area can be caused by any number of factors, from trauma to a chronic pathology. One highly uncomfortable symptom of nerve damage in arm is the pain that comes about and radiates through. Any type of changed sensation in the tongue, chin or lower lip is a symptom of a potential nerve injury. A dog bite can cause nerve damage. A dog's powerful jaws can injure not only nerves, but also tendons, muscles and bones. Nerve damage symptoms are quite diverse and they usually appear rather slowly. Elsewhere in the body, human bites and animal bites have about the same rate of infection but in the hand, the human bite infection rate is much higher. How to Repair Nerve Damage. Nerve damage, especially in the arms can lead to a lot of discomfort. Can nerve damage from Lyme disease be reversed? The good news is that nerve damage generally develops slowly, says Isha Gupta, MD, a neurologist at IGEA Brain and Spine in New York and New Jersey. The condition of nerve damage due to excessive usage is called a pinched nerve. From the point of entry (usually a bite), the rabies virus travels along nerves to the spinal cord and then to the brain, where it multiplies. In cases of tendon or nerve damage you will experience numbness, loss of sensation, or the inability to straighten or bend the affected finger. It can also be caused by acute or progressive injuries, or nutritional deficiencies. A human bite may produce skin breaks, bleeding and bruising. That … At times, they will signify a greater health issue, while sometimes the symptoms may be temporary and disappear. If the dogs rabies vaccination is not current, treatment for rabies may be necessary.