Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Experience the Quiet Life. How to Live a Life of Quiet Desperation By ... Live a life filled with purpose and meaning. Life on the fast track will eventually take its toll on your health and your relationships with others. Of course not every trouble and difficulty in life will be avoided, but one very big source of strife can largely be eliminated altogether. Where calm lives. The Bible tells us, "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. I thought I wanted to be special and important, but life led me to something very normal and a little boring. That will prepare you to be a warrior when life or history calls for it. We can afford to wait. Here are 101 ways to start living. When I go out socially, it’s usually with my sisters, or with married couples. And, given the age in which it was written, the word men should now be applied to all people. Why? The […] And so, I no longer reach for the loud, public life doing bold stunts and … He not only worked in symbols, his whole life was a symbol — a type from which men can draw general lessons. Our Idea of a Quiet Life. Because we are susceptible to comparison and comparison is the theif of joy. We thoroughly enjoy being at home. Good news folks: I have discovered the secret to being able to live a life with no conflict, no disquiet, no opposition, and no rough sailing. Our day will come. They’re making plans, discussing goals and all the while, I’m in the corner trying to disappear into a book. This is a slight misquote of what is in the book, but helps make it better understood for most people. Living a quiet doesn't necessarily mean being a quiet person. 1 Thessalonians 4:12 (NLT) Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others. Not you see, but they don't. All around me is noise, people are everywhere and talking so loud. Here’s the bottom line: It … I want to live a quiet life. To live a remarkable life, it is vital you take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. If we look at Paul's 1st and 2nd letter to the Thessalonians I think we get more context on what Paul means. By simplifying your life, you’ll have more time to do what fulfills you and gives your life meaning. Here are some ideas and suggestions to ponder: Know thyself: This is an antidote to just about any problem. There is a deep, internal reservoir of conviction that resides in each person—what I call, core values. The righteousness of Christ is best produced in quiet, peaceful lives – the lives of people who work hard, people who live responsibly, people who express humility in their dealings with others, who have no need to make a big splash and draw attention to themselves. How to Live a Simple and Peaceful Life. It seems there is no single people.