Messages: 57. $37.99 $ 37. Inside a 20-gallon tank, you can easily keep 2 discus fish including tank accessories. Im open to all suggestions other then fish Thanks in advance! The 20 gallon TALL tank dividers are easy to install and maintain. They don't need much cage space—a 15- to 20-gallon tank should do—so they're a good option if you don't have room for an elaborate vivarium setup. Hello, I have a 20 gallon fish tank that I would like to have a little pet in. 174 Results. A 20-gallon aquarium offers some exciting possibilities. ... Tetra ® Aquarium - 20 Gallon. Crabs. My leopard gecko died a while back and Im ready to get another reptile, but not a another leopard gecko. Pet Ideas for 5- and 10-Gallon Aquarium Tanks. Best Pet for 20 gallon long tank. Comes with a bunch of decor and the filters plus an airpump I’m asking $215 Outfit your aquarium with tropical decor and products to make your fish safe and secure. Melissa A Smith. Can you people give me a list of some pets that could live happily in one. Eligible for Free Shipping. There are several species that can be kept in 10 to 20 gallon aquariums. NOW AVAILABLE! Anything in the 20- to 40- gallon range has a sufficient volume that will minimize ... in gallons will already be specified and you can use the charts above to calculate the empty and full weight of the tank. But as soon as they grow large, you would have to upgrade the tank size or shift one fish to a separate tank. Ware Manufacturing Chew Proof High Rise Pet Cage for Small Pets. All of the Clear-for-Life™ Aquariums are made in the U.S.A. with the highest quality Finest cell cast acrylic, and they guarantee it by offering customers a Lifetime Warranty (see warranty card) from leakage due to manufacturer's workmanship. Pet / Fish; Fish Tanks & Aquariums For Sale. Email works best or call/text at nine seven one 201-638zero. Be careful keeping fish with shrimp as many fish will eat them. Page 1 of 2 - Pets that would do well in a 20 gallon tank - posted in General Animals and Pets Talk: My grandma told me if I helped her in the garden she would buy me a 20 gallon tank. Page 1 of 2 - Pets that would do well in a 20 gallon tank - posted in General Animals and Pets Talk: My grandma told me if I helped her in the garden she would buy me a 20 gallon tank. Whether you're planning on setting up a saltwater or freshwater aquarium, you'll still have your choice of potential small aquarium pets and aquatic pets. More Buying Choices $36.09 (6 used & new offers) You & Me Small Animal High Rise Tank Topper. Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by draxus, Dec 27, 2007. draxus Embryo. A 20 gallon fish tank or aquarium is perfect for new aquarists; it’s large enough to have a nice selection of fish, yet small enough to maintain. Get it as soon as Wed, Mar 4. Updated on May 25, 2019. The tank measures 30” X 12” X 12”, so there is plenty of room for at least two small turtles. I already have a big tank with fish so I don't really want two fish tanks but could be open to it. They come with an instruction sheet and there is also a video link on our website or youtube channel on how to install them. Shop for 20-Gallon Aquariums in Fish Tanks, Fish Bowls, & Aquariums. - Valid only on 10G, 20G, 20L and 29G size Aqueon Open-glass Aquariums. A tank this size lets you include live plants and have a wide array of beautiful freshwater fish and interesting critters, all without taking up a huge amount of space. Im open to all suggestions other then fish Thanks in advance! ... should only be in a ten gallon for they're young life as in babies as soon as they start to grow they should be in a 20 gallon or more, tank that is standing.