These fast-growing, stately lords of the barnyard must be seen to be appreciated. The Broad Breasted Bronze turkey is considered by some to be the largest and heaviest of the turkey variety. In the early 1900s, a broader breasted Bronze turkey was introduced from England into Canada, and then into the northwestern United States. The broad breasted bronze turkey derived from the bronze turkey being crossed with larger, faster growing breeds. They are a very popular variety of turkeys for the small farm flock and commercial breeders alike. It was recognized into the American Poultry Association in 1874. Babies are dark brown, with chipmunk stripes. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkeys are ready to process between 16 to 22 weeks of age and will weigh 20 (hens… Bronze turkeys originated as a cross between the domesticated turkeys that the European colonist brought to America AND the eastern wild turkey. Turkey Poults are straight run only. They are a very popular variety of turkeys for the small farm flock and commercial breeders alike. Their feathers have a metallic sheen that changes from copper, to bronze, to burnished gold as the light moves across them. The Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey is an excellent choice if you want to raise a turkey for meat. They received their name from their bronze coloring. The Standard Bronze Turkey is one-third the size of the broad-breasted variety, naturally mating, long … Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkeys are the picture of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey bird. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkeys are the picture of the traditional Thanksgiving turkey bird. The Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey is one of the largest and heaviest turkey varieties. Broad-Breasted Bronze Turkeys are ready to process between 16 to 22 weeks of age and will weigh 20 (hens… The Bronze strain is an American origination and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Due to years of being bred specifically for meat quality, these birds grow quickly and provide nice, plump carcass. The Standard Bronze Turkey is a copper and bronze colored Heritage breed. The cross resulted in a vigorous, larger turkey than the one brought over by the colonists and was tamer than the wild Eastern turkey. These were crossed with larger, faster growing US stocks and the resulting bird, the Broad Breasted Bronze, became the commercial variety of choice. Colored the same as the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey they were known in the early 1700s but did not take the name of Bronze until in the 1800’s.