Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in ... Scarecrow Owl Decoy Statue Realistic Scary Sounds & Shadow Fake Owl Outdoor Pest Bird Deterrent for Patio Yard Garden Protector. Deter birds with sound Bird B Gone Chase Super Sonic is a programmable sound deterrent used to deter birds from large open spaces. About Bird Scare Devices. Using them is an effective, non-violent method of keeping birds out of your property. After I make sure the dove has flown away, I look up and see a beautiful Cooper's Hawk sitting on top of my fly-through feeder. Bird sound bird deterrents keep pest birds away with loud sounds. Birds will avoid areas near the decoy, and move on to a more secure spot. $22.99 $ 22. Most of the people who tried it found that it was effective at scaring away small birds and several customers also mentioned that it appeared to frighten away hawks too. Recorded bird-distress calls are broadcasted along with predator bird calls; when birds hear these sounds, their natural instinct is to flee the area. 3.3 out of 5 stars 58. Cats and dogs will not usually attack birds as large as hawks, and the pets themselves may become victims to larger birds of prey. Some other friends used the CD's and the hawks didn't come around. Ultrasonics is the use of high pitch sounds to scare birds away. Similarly, do not release cats or dogs in an attempt to scare a hawk away. By emitting distress calls, this device can be used to deter pest birds from a range of problem areas. I put netting over the range area because I had some Red tailed hawks and some Bald eagles. When my birds were younger I made my range area smaller attached to a covered run. Hawks hunt during the day, while most owls hunt at night this makes hawks a more identifiable predator to birds. Audio Deterrents create shrill sounds which scare the birds away. I was watching the birds last night when WHAM!, a mourning dove bounces off the window. Sound bird deterrents use birds’ instincts to scare them away from large open spaces. Birds hear sounds in the same range as humans. 99. I vote for the CD's. Skip to main content. Nearly any loud noise scares away the hawks, so if you are close enough something as simple as banging a few pots together or clapping and yelling may work. The Bird Chase Super Sonic features actual distress and predator calls of over 22 types of birds. There are several types of bird scare devices, including holographic strips, reflectors, scare-eye balloons or flags, birds of prey decoys, sound machines, and more. You may have to do this several times before the hawk stay away for good, and this may scare away some of the desired birds as well, at least temporarily. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 31. There are special devices that create these sounds and they usually come with speakers that can be placed in multiple areas. Bird scare devices are items that can startle or frighten birds and cause the birds to roost elsewhere. A friend used an wooden owl and the hawk sat on top of it head. Plan on purchasing an aerosol horn (like sports fans use). Furthermore, cats and dogs are just as likely to kill, stress, or disturb the backyard birds … Can You Scare a Hawk Away? Scare Tape is very easy to cut and install, and it is reasonably affordable too. Decoy used to scare pest birds away from balconies, gardens, fruit trees, buildings and other areas where birds or rodents have become a problem. The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. Learn more! Bird-B-Gone's sound deterrents use predator and species-specific distress calls to scare away targeted pest birds. If this doesn't work to scare the Hawk away, I have no problem with paying someone to shoot this Hawk (as a Hawk has the right to live, so do I have the right to protect my 3 and 4-1/2 lb. Usually these sounds are above 20k Hz, which is cannot be heard by most human ears. scare birds away. furbabies so that they can live).