List the fruits that they can eat… Caffeine can increase heart rate, induce arrhythmias and hyperactivity, and even cause cardiac arrest in birds. Conures cannot break down sugar very well, so avoid sugary cereals. ... We might think of offering sip of these tasty beverages to our pet birds, but even a sip or two of these drinks can be toxic to our feathered companions. Eastern Aztec Conures Ecuadorian White-eyed Conures El Oro Conures Emma's White-eared Conures. A few good brands are Harrison’s, Roudybush, Zupreem, TOPs, and Lafebar. A bearded dragon enjoys many different types of fruits. This is an incomplete list of poisonous and dangerous foods for green cheeks, but is a good general nutrition guideline. These are small to medium-sized birds with long tales that don’t require much but can represent a great company. Some conures have a certain diet to go on. Pellets: Pellets should make up roughly 60% of your conure’s diet. Please all the list of fruits that u know im much a small brain when it comes to birds soo im dedicating myself to learning the bird traits etc like what type of fruit can they eat . « Parrots are a lot like kids. No chocolate, alvacado, apple seeds, any form of caffinne (ie soda), or alcohol. Give your conure grains and legumes to eat. Provided that you take good care of them, you’ll be more than thrilled to keep them and have fun with them for […] F: Fiery-shouldered Conures Finsch's Conures. Some of the foods that can be safely consumed by humans are harmful for birds. What can sun conures eat? List i've gathered of what you can feed them-DON'T FEED THEM THE SEEDS OF THE FRUITS OR VEGGIES Always wash food before feeding them to bird (pesticides and stuff) remove the roots, pits, and seeds of the food you give them. This aviary maintains an awesome lovebirds food list, including safe fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts,and seeds. In fact, avian vet Dr. To help ensure the health and well-being of our associates and pet parents, we are temporarily suspending all product returns. Although your parrot will enjoy a lot of the same foods you do, some can be unsafe for him to eat. Sun conures follow generally the same rules as all parrots as to what they can and can't eat. Here is our guide as to which foods can be given to your parrot as part of a healthy and balanced diet. So it is important right from the start to build and maintain a reference list, so you know what can lovebirds eat for their meals and treats. Maybe your conure has a diet where it can only drink water & eat certain bird food or pellets. Cockatiels, what foods to feed, healthy table foods, list of safe foods, safe fruits, safe vegetables, safe herbs that cockatiels can eat, nutritious, healthy table foods, fruits, vegetables, herbs for cockatiels Crystal Shropshire compares hook bill birds to 5-year-old children in personality as well as nutritional needs. In addition to nuts, grains and legumes are mainstays of a conure diet. Parrots can eat a variety of “human” foods but not all are safe for them to consume. When in doubt, consult your vet first. In addition to nuts, grains and legumes are mainstays of a conure diet. The popularity of conures as pets has peaked due to their fairly easy maintenance. It takes a small amount of poison from any of these to kill a bird Don't cook these on teflon, its bad for birds.