The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. We adapted the script to Spanish for our parish. Busted Halo has created a series of virtual stations designed for personal devotion. This script is powerful. These stations reflect deeply on … choir songs. Stations of The Cross for Our Times ABOUT THESE STATIONS: The Stations of the Cross for Our Times have been devised by the Faith Development Services Team at the request of the Vicars Forane of the diocese. 1. And now, they hand you a cross to carry. March 27, 2017 4,011 Views. Stations of the Cross with John Paul II - 1991 This Via Crucis was celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday in 1991. These stations relate to Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God and the reason his vision of this Kingdom led to his death. They are presented here as an alternative to the traditional stations and as a way of reflecting more deeply on the Scriptural accounts of Christ's passion. To pray the way of the cross requires only that you meditate before each station. JESUS IS CONDEMNED TO DEATH Antiphon: V. Jesus, our Savior, on this day you gave up your life for us. The Church through the centuries has used many forms of praying the Stations of the Cross. if you are a reader or station reader, please try to print this out and read it through. the Second Station: Jesus carries the Cross By now you have endured a sleepless night, betrayal by your friends, and a beating that is too horrible to fully imagine. This is your story to tell. People of all ages can visit the stations in small groups during Sunday school hour, after the worship service, on Wednesday nights, or at other times. The Stations of the Cross – Catechist Lesson Plan Ignite Lesson January 10, 2016 OBJECTIVES To help teens understand how the Church remembers and celebrates the events of Jesus’ Passion (Last days of suffering, death and resurrection). Stations of the Cross for Adults Introduction. Here is a simple how-to so you can bring this program to your parish and let the children live the Stations of the Cross this Lent. In this script of The Stations Of The Cross, we follow Jesus' journey in a way that children can understand and even relate too. This printable Stations of the Cross booklet is so handy. Children’s Station of the Cross. It will involve all your students and will be such a great visual for the school community. Living Stations Bring Children to the Foot of the Cross. The first, and most important part is to have a script. In this script students can perform for the school or for the class. This is a script for the Living Stations of the Cross during Easter or for Lent. a church to commemorate each of the traditional 14 stations (or stops) on the Way of the Cross. This document is a script to use with your students for the Stations of the Cross. You never deny yourself, yet humbly accept the punishment given to you by those who had witnessed your miracles. script for performers. Script. As the readers are reading the script, other students can act out the stations. living stations of the cross. Our middle school youth use it as the centerpiece of the Stations of the Cross prayer service held in our church on a Friday evening, open to all parishioners. This is a 30 page packet. Printable Stations Of The Cross Booklet The Way of the Cross Printable Booklet, Coloring Pages, and Audio. We offer these Stations as a all you need to know. script for performers. As the CD plays in the background, the youth re-enact the 14 stations. This is a 30 page packet. Set up the following six stations at tables, or even on the floor, in your church building.