Eine wirklich gelungene Umsetzung eines TV Klassikers, der dem Format Comic gerecht wird und Lust auf mehr macht. Tales from the Darkside sees the Eisner Award-winning team reunite on a comic-book revival of the horror anthology TV series of the same name. Joe Hill's nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! Eigentlich sollte dieses Projekt in einer Neuauflage der TV-Serie „Tales from the Darkside“ umgesetzt werden. The links are provided solely by this site's users. Summary Short summary describing this issue. Ben Templesmith. IDW veröffentlichte zunächst vier Hefte. Tales from the Darkside #2 $ 1.99 Tales from the Darkside #3 $ 1.99 Joe Hills nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! Joe Hill's nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! Joe Hills nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! Joe Hill’s nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set…but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! The links are provided solely by this site's users. Tales from the Darkside #1 (Second Printing) OUT OF STOCK. 30 Jahre später sollte Joe Hill dabei helfen Tales from the Darkside neu zu starten. None of the files shown here are hosted or transmitted by this server. Jetzt erweckt Hill zusammen mit Gabriel Rodriguez die bösartigen, finsteren Storys in Comic-Form erstmals zum Leben! None of the files shown here are hosted or transmitted by this server. Tales from the Darkside #2 $ 1.99 Tales from the Darkside #3 $ 1.99 Read Tales From The Darkside comic online free and high quality. Tales from the Darkside #2 $ 1.99 Tales from the Darkside #3 $ 1.99 All portions of the Grand Comics Database™, except where noted otherwise, are copyrighted by the GCD and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). The links are provided solely by this site's users. None of the files shown here are hosted or transmitted by this server. Joe Hill's revitalization of Tales from the Darkside will now only be seen in print, accompanied by the brilliant artwork of Hill's Locke & Key co-conspirator, Gabriel Rodriguez! Tales From the Darkside » Tales From the Darkside #2 - The Black Box Part 1 released by IDW Publishing on July 2016. Tales from the Darkside: The Comic - The Blood Shed Tomorrow's Horror Legends Today! Three stories of the macabre Read Tales From The Darkside Comic Online. The administrator of this site (read-comic.com) cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of its users. Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages - just need to scroll to read next page Tales from the Darkside sees the Eisner Award-winning team reunite on a comic-book revival of the horror anthology TV series of the same name. Joe Hill's nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! Bei Tales from the Darkside arbeitet Hill wieder mit dem chilenischen Zeichner Gabriel Rodriguez zusammen, tritt jedoch zugleich auch wieder in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters. Vor einigen Jahren hätte Horror-Star Joe Hill fast die legendäre TV-Serie Tales from the Darkside -aus der Schattenwelt reanimiert, an der schon sein Vater Stephen King mitwirkte. Each episode, aired originally by Tribune Broadcasting late at night, was an individual short story that often ended with a plot twist. Tales From the Darkside last edited by williamsburger on 01/08/20 03:00PM ... Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. The administrator of this site (read-comic.com) cannot be held responsible for what its users post, or any other actions of its users. On May 10, 2015 I reported here at The Blood-Shed that the Tales from the Darkside … Als daraus wurde nichts, beschloss Hill, gemeinsam mit dem ebenfalls am Serien-Projekt beteiligten Michael Benedetto, die Tales from the Darkside als Comic wieder aufleben zu lassen. This summer, IDW releases DARKSIDE, a four-issue comic-book adaptation of the episodes written by Hill and illustrated here by Locke & Key co-creator Gabriel Rodriguez!