Human beings have been causing other species to go extinct at an unnatural rate over the past five centuries, a new study has confirmed. I’m not sure how to understand this question: * The question could refer to invasive species that are extinct in their native range. There have been several examples of organisms that have been directly endangered or pushed to extinction by introduced species, often with cascading consequences for the ecosystem. The disappearance of 160 species has been declared by the IUCN over the last decade: most had been gone for a long time and their demise can be traced in large part to human impact. According to the National Wildlife Federation, 42 percent of all endangered species are threatened primarily due to an invasive species. Dutch sailors first recorded a mention of the dodo in 1598. Invasive species can also alter the abundance or diversity of species that are important habitat for native wildlife. A new paper suggests we need to rethink our models about endangered plant species The full list of extinct … The question could refer to invasive species that are extinct in their native range. The Christmas Island Pipistrelle was officially declared extinct in 2017. The study looked at 953 extinctions since 1500 and found that 126 had been caused entirely by alien species, while 300 were caused partly by the arrival of new species. These species need urgent recovery efforts to survive in the future in their native habitats. Additionally, some invasive species are capable of changing the conditions in an ecosystem, such as changing soil chemistry or the intensity of wildfires. 4 Minute Read. Coral, polar bears, and frogs are among the species hit hardest. Here are 50 species of plants and animals from around the world that have been listed as extinct in the wild according to the Red List of Threatened Species by IUCN. The truth is, scientists don’t know how many species of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria exist on Earth. Alien invaders are the second biggest cause of species extinctions, according to a new study, but not everyone is convinced. Allowing invasive species to crowd out native plants and animals. Whether this constitutes a “sixth mass extinction” comparable to that of the dinosaurs is more debatable, but bringing the surge in extinctions to an end is indeed an urgent priority in conservation. The introduction of invasive species has been the no. The bird was hunted to extinction by sailors and their domesticated animals, and invasive species. The question could also refer to invasive species that established a population outside their natural range, which population later goes extinct. The bird was hunted to extinction by sailors and their domesticated animals, and invasive species.