Weeping Willow trees are very adaptable to different types of soils and growing conditions and can even help minimize soil erosion. Nature Hills Nursery has the highest quality plants with oftentimes free shipping. Our classic variety features the pendulous shape and drooping, ground-sweeping branches that most people expect when they think of a “weeping willow.” The weeping willow thrives in moist as well as dry locations. Everyone loves the familiar Weeping Willow Tree! Weeping Willow trees remain healthy and lush with an adequate supply of water. Cold Stream Farm supplies weeping willow trees which are grown as bare root cuttings and transplants and sold both wholesale and retail with no minimum order. An attractive small Pussy Willow tree (Salix caprea 'Kilarnock') is ideally suited for planting in a small garden or keeping in a large pot on a patio.An absolute delight in spring when very little else is in blossom, the branches of this tree are covered with large, fluffy, silver coloured catkins that are studded with golden anthers (pussy willows). Probably the fastest-growing shade tree. Sweeping, low branches and a familiar, falling canopy. The Latin name Salix is derived from the Celtic 'sal' meaning near and 'lis' meaning water as they are often found near water. Make Offer - 2 Golden Weeping Willow Trees - Ready to Plant 3 4ft - Beautiful Arching Canopy (12) 18" Weeping Willow Tree Cuttings Branch Fast Growing Wind Break Block Shade $13.23 Has slender, graceful drooping branches and fine, narrow, blue-green leaves that change to a rich golden color in autumn. Its handsome bark makes this tree a showpiece in winter after the leaves are gone as well as in summer. Buy Weeping Willow Trees and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! All of our weeping willow trees are propagated (started) from cuttings off our main weeping willow trees. The Weeping Pussy Willow Delivers an Early Spring Why Weeping Pussy Willows? One of the most famous trees around, the Weeping Willow is an instantly recognizable tree beloved by many gardeners. These trees are nature's solution to cleaning up after a flood. $27.99. For starters, this ornamental tree is compact enough to be planted almost anywhere and will be the focal point of your yard. These are nice 1 1/2-3' nursery-grown trees. Trees such as a Weeping Willow Tree grow best if they are fertilized lightly in the spring once frost has passed with a well-balanced, extended-release, fertilizer such as espoma Tree-tone. The tree … Often seen as one of the first indications of spring, the weeping willow’s yellow twigs and green foliage appear early in the season — sometimes as early as February. The Weeping Willow is a favorite among tree lovers for its dramatic appearance and rounded, weeping shape. This graceful giant is known for its open crown of wispy, ground-sweeping branches and long, slender leaves. 1 sold. There are many common names for the Salix tree, including: pussy willow, goat willow, dwarf willow and weeping willow. Shop for dappled willow, pussy willow, dwarf blue leaf arctic willow and more! One (1) Golden Weeping Willow Tree - Ready to Plant - Beautiful Arching Canopy. The Weeping Willow is an excellent shade tree that's always in high … Nature Hills Nursery has the highest quality plants with oftentimes free shipping. Give your landscape a distinctive look by growing your own willow trees. 8 left. The Weeping Willow tree loves water and is often planted near ponds to prevent erosion. Sponsored Listings. The weeping willow thrives in moist as well as dry locations. Nature Hills is a complete garden center offering trees, shrubs, perennials, rose bushes, other plants, flower bulbs, and seeds. For those of us with smaller gardens, a carefully selected small weeping tree takes up little space yet adds so much drama to the garden. Everyone loves the familiar Weeping Willow Tree! The Golden Weeping Willow tree, Salix sepulcralis Chrysocoma, is the world's most popular ornamental weeping tree and the only weeping willow with golden-yellow stems. The River Birch tree is also a great alternative Great Savings Free Delivery / Collection on many items The Weeping Pussy Willow Delivers an Early Spring Why Weeping Pussy Willows? It is a vigorous plant that thrives on waterlogged soil and needs plenty of sun. Weeping Willow Tree- Salix babylonica For Sale Affordable Grower Direct Prices Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Weeping Willow Tree is native to Northern China and is one of the fastest growing shade trees, usually growing over 24 inches per year. Fast Growth and Classic Grace Why Weeping Willows? The Weeping Willow tree is sure to enchant your landscape with its beautiful and sweeping branches. $10.99. Weeping Willow Tree Live Plant Salix Babylonica 15"-23"inches 5" Pot Garden $43.95 1 Weeping Willow Tree, 15+in, Fast Growing Shade, Order Now+ Multi-item Discount 2 sold. Plus, it's perfect for those looking for character and classic looks, adding value to their property. It's hardy -- fast-growing -- carefree. • Weeping Willows are one of the most easily recognizable shade trees. Its handsome bark makes this tree a showpiece in winter after the leaves are gone as well as in summer. $4.00. This tree was once considered to be a weeping willow, but botanists now classify it as Salix matsudana.This is a tree to consider if you want to liven up your garden, especially in the winter.