Enter your email address to receive alerts when we have new listings available for Goslings for sale. £50 for the six. Excellent condition, good white plumage, unrelated parents. Please browse for different breeds of baby goslings for sale at Cackle Hatchery® and order online. ... Black, Pekins in Chocolate, Millefleur, Black. Geese are entertaining and great to eat! This advert is located in and around Balsall Common, Coventry. Breeding pair of embden geese. Gorgeous West of England Goslings available to the best of homes. "geese" - Local Classifieds, Buy and Sell in the UK and Ireland ... New Cl A ssifie d £150 For Sale Pair west of england geese. As with the Pilgrim goose, this breed originated as a farmyard/cottagers, the so-called 'common' goose, from centuries ago. Database of chickens and other poultry for sale in the UK & Ireland showing a list of breeders by county and on a Google map. Enter your email address to receive alerts when we have new listings available for Embden geese for sale UK. 4 young West of England Geese for sale, all ganders. This breed is standardized in Germany in white, whole grey and grey back. 4 are nearly 10 weeks old and the other 2 are 3 weeks old. This characteristic allows them to determine the sex by their appearance. Aylesbury Duck, West of England Geese. I have 6 goslings left from this years hatching. West of England is a breed of domestic geese that are one of only a few true auto-sexing breeds. New Cl A ssifie d £150 For Sale Pair west of england geese. 2016. They certainly were exhibited at shows from the 1970s, but the West of England breed was only standardised in 1999 by … £10 each or ... More info . Geese . Because of their fast growth rate, large size and white feathers, Embden are the most common goose used for commercial meat production. £45 . I have taken care to acquire geese from different sources so I can start a flock of this endangered rare breed as unrelated as possible. Breeding pair of West of England Geese also for sale to anyone willing to take all ganders as well. Jenifer. 3 brothers born April this year and 1 unrelated male born Spring of last year. Excellent condition, good white plumage, unrelated parents. £12.00 | 19.08.19; Geese . West of England Gander for sale, will consider selling a goose with him if required. Quiet friendly birds used to people and other animals. They are also not usually bothered by pests. Location: West Cavan Website: www.corrachombra.webs.com. Barbu’D Uccle in Millefleur. Parents previously been showed. ... Black, Pekins in Chocolate, Millefleur, Black. We sell a wide variety of goslings, including popular favorites like Roman Tufted & Toulouse Geese, along with rare goslings like Buff Pomeranian Geese. £10 each or £30 for all 4. People raise geese for meat, insect control, as pets and to stand guard. This advert is located in and around Balsall Common, Coventry. Dickson. Both goose and gander have a slightly pink-orange bill, legs and webs. West of England Geese were first standardized in the UK in 1999. Few other species offer so much for so little. Database of chickens and other poultry for sale in the UK & Ireland showing a list of breeders by county and on a Google map.