Hope you find this useful! The seeds should never be roasted. As a general guideline, feed your budgie seeds and pellets every day. Fruits, vegetables, and soft foods should be fed to him … As their oiliness makes them the budgie equivalent of burger and chips, it’s best to keep them to a minimum – no more than 10% of the overall seed offering. It’s true that most of these nutritional needs will be met with a good seed mix; however, you should always make fresh food available to your birds. As we have established, many budgies absolutely love to eat watermelon. Your budgies will benefit from a source of minerals such as mineral block designed for budgies or a … Cut carrots into large chunks and place around the cage on treat … Thanks for watching!-———————————-Watch my previous video! 1/4 cup crushed almonds 1/4 cup crushed pellets 1/4 cup cornmeal 3 tablespoons vanilla yogurt 3 tablespoons honey. Feeding Budgies Fresh Food Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals vital to a budgie’s good health. In this video, I tell you a list of safe foods you can feed to your budgies/parakeets. A lot of owners know that budgies can enjoy fruit and vegetables; but can they eat oranges on a regular basis? Here are 41 great treat recipes for budgies. You will even see plenty of videos online when you do a Google search of budgies eating watermelon slices. That depends greatly on the individual bird. Mineral supplements. Nuts are also very tasty, and many birds appreciate them as special treats. What are budgies favourite treat? Premium Seed Mixtures. Budgies need hard treats to keep their toenails and beaks in proper condition, and cuttlebones are ideal treats for your little bird. Even though pet budgies are fed a primarily a seed-based diet, it could get boring for budgies to eat the same thing day in and day out. What does a budgie most prefer? Parkeets love to eat seed treats. Almond Treats. I found this information from multiple websites & books. Little chatterboxes, these jewels of the bird world are as lively and playful as they are beautiful. In the wild budgerigars occasionally eat insects. Your budgie should have many different options to eat every day. We need you to answer this question! Especially if it’s the summertime where you live, you will find that watermelon is a tasty treat that will keep your budgie cool, just like it does for you. That depends greatly on the individual bird. These hard chews are made from the calcified internal shell of the cuttlefish and provide your bird with proper levels calcium and minerals. Oranges are okay to feed budgies as they enjoy the taste, but they also contain a lot of sugar, which is known as fructose. But unless the birds are nesting or moulting, they don’t actually need it. The best treat for a budgie is the treat they most like. Mix yogurt and honey in a smbowl. Can Budgies Eat Oranges? Feeding Budgies Meat. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! The answer to this burning question is yes, but they should be restricted.