Natural Diet. All living creatures can only survive if there are food and water. The question of what do parrots eat is one with a natural answer. Fresh vegetables, fruits and pellets, fruits and seeds. This article incorporates a complete guideline as to parrots’ feeding. (And why do they matter?) Pretty much any leafy green or yellow/orange vegetable or sometimes things we buy for ourselves. Birdseed blends are the staple nourishment for some parrots. This fruit's pit and skin are the most toxic parts of the fruit to parrots. Not really. For food, parrots kept as pets should eat a range of healthy items, include nuts (leave in the shells for enrichment as well as food), seeds (e.g. Parrots are seed-eating birds, and essentially herbivorous, with many species also frugivorous (fruit-eating). Can parrots eat the pineapple core? What do parrots drink? Parrots are actually herbivorous except for the fact that quite a few of them are omnivorous too. They'll also knock you over for pomegranate juice, but the stuff … What are some of the health benefits of pineapples to parrots? Most fruits are okay, but if you feed your parrot dried fruit, make sure it's free of sulfides and sulfates. Darker-colored fruits and vegetables usually have more nutrients. What Do Parrots Eat. Parrots can either drink water or they can drink any type of juice for example Welches juice and maybe sink water. In the wild, parrot's diet can vary considerably, consisting of fruit and fruit seeds, nuts, flowers, and corn where they can find it. Unlike conservationists, a layman is not actually aware of what do parrots eat. Can parrots drink pineapple juice? Lovebirds, like all pet birds, have specific dietary needs. Wiki User December 21, 2009 7:49PM. Sound good? Rather than feeding parrots and cockatoos why not install a bird bath to your garden? There are many nutritious fruit and vegetable choices for parrots, including mangoes, berries, pineapple, oranges, kale, green beans, peppers and corn. Different flowers produce slightly different types of nectar, but each one offers nutrition to the wildlife that drinks it, in exchange for … Amazon parrots, cockatoos, and Eclectus parrots should be fed few, if any, supplementary nuts because they are prone to obesity when fed a calorically dense diet. Polly wants a cracker? Avocado tops the list of fruits parrots cannot safely eat. If you are here because you are searching for information about what do lovebirds eat, this article has all the information you need about feeding your new feathered pet! Wash fruits and vegetables … What parrot eats are ungerminated seeds, which have not begun developing to end up plants. In the wild, parrot's diet can vary considerably and they like to eat fruit and fruit seeds, nuts, flowers, and corn where they can find it. This will attract many different species and give them an additional supply of clean water to drink and wash. Let’s get right into it. Parrots can safely eat many fruits, but the ones they should avoid are highly toxic to them. Feed raw cucumber, radishes, kale, corn, mustard greens, okra and zucchini. Fresh or frozen corn, sweet potato, celery, kale, dill, dandelion, mustard, parsley, basil, collards, cilantro, thyme, watercress, beans, chard, beet greens. In their natural habitat, the Poicephalus Parrots eat a variety of seeds (including sprouted) as well as myriad fruit, plants, greens, blossoms, grain, nuts and even insects.. Planting flowering native plants is also a great way to ensure that local birds have good, natural food to eat. Most eat fruits, and the nectar and pollen of flowering trees. My birds will drink any kind of juice that I give them -- orange juice is their favorite. Basic seeds found in parrot food, seed blends incorporate safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, millet seed, canary seed, hemp seed, thorn seed and that’s just the beginning. However, even its flesh is highly dangerous. (noun) Nectar is a sweet, nutritious, energy-rich liquid produced by some flowers to attract pollinators such as insects, bats, and birds.