You can, indeed, eat snakehead fish. The giant snakehead is also a good fish to eat, and is often served in Chinese restaurants. Snakehead Distribution. 4) Rustic Curried Snakehead Fish Grilled in Banana Leaves. Bass, pike, pickerel, muskie and the big cats such as channels, blues, flatheads, etc. As adults, they feed mostly on other fish species, but also eat crustaceans, reptiles, mammals and small birds. Snake heads usually feed on fish , although frogs, crustaceans, small birds, mammals and reptiles can be also part of their diet. Similarly, predatory carnivores can have a negative ecological impact if they are introduced into non-native areas by displacing the top predator, causing a disruption in the food chain. While they eat mostly fish, they also eat frogs and other aquatic wildlife. yes you can eat snake head fish. Snakehead are predatory fish that you can catch on a wide variety of lures and baits. The two that are causing the most problems in the US are the Northern Snakehead fish Channa argus and the bullseye snakehead Channa maurlius. In yet another example of aquarium fish becoming invasive species, the northern snakehead (Channa argus) has been taking over waterways in the Mid-Atlantic states and possibly beyond. When they are small they eat plankton, aquatic insects, and mollusks such as mussels. Perhaps huge muskie or a very large catfish or pike might make a meal of a good sized snakehead. In short, Yes, Snakehead are good to eat. The health benefits of snakehead fish is not only caused by its albumin content but also by some other content in it. In Thailand, this fish is prepared in a variety of ways, especially grilled, being a common food item offered by street vendors. Snakehead are a staple part of diets in Asia. The northern snakehead has no natural enemies in North America. Any discussion of predatory oddball fish for the aquarium will invariably feature a snakehead or two. What Do Northern Snakehead Fish Feed On? A lage aduult snakehead has little to worry about. Do not release the fish or toss it up on the bank, because it could migrate back to the water or to a new water body. If you want to learn more about the best lures for catching snakehead then check out our post here . Here are some other health benefits of snakehead fish : There are some diseases that caused by the decreasing of albumin, they are kidney failure, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and tuberculosis. They also eat carp, minnows, bream, and catfishes. Adult fish eat fishes, frog, crawfish, and aquatic insects. Disease The snakehead fish has been causing a bunch of problems in Georgia and other states. Yes please! In Khmer society, there is saying: “Giant snakeheads eat their … Dr Heok Hee Ng reminds us that although these are natural predators, a few snakehead species can become acceptable community fish. The giant snakehead is a predatory freshwater fish. In captivity you can give them any fish food that you get in the market, but if you prefer you can also provide natural foods such as lettuce, watercress, spinach and cooked peas. They reportedly feed in schools, mostly at night near vegetation close to shore. 5. This species occurs in lowland rivers and swamps and is usually associated with deep water bodies and canals. And it is a Federal offense to transport any life snakehead across state lines. It's been called a "frankenfish" due to its aggressive reputation. Snakehead fish also called as Murrel or live fish in culture fishery, is a carnivorous fish and preys on small fishes, crustaceans, insects, frogs etc. In culture fishery, they are fed slaughter house wastes, fish waste and molluscs etc., and the commercially available fish-food containing around 40% animal proteins. Nearly any predatory fish will eath small snakeheads and snakehead fry. 6. Sometimes they take multiple casts to get comfortable to eat or really key in on your lure, but they are very aggressive and want to kill anything that swims past them . They eat other fishes, just about anything alive that’s in the water that’s small enough to fit in their very sizable mouths are fair game. Much like invasive lionfish, snakehead is a fish worth eradicating from our waterways, but tasty enough to do it by human consumption. Remember, this fish is an air breather and can live a considerable amount of time out of the water.