Wisdom is a wild female Laysan albatross.She is the oldest confirmed wild bird in the world as well as the oldest banded bird in the world.. Archaeopteryx is the first creature that resembled a bird, a dinosaur with wings and feathers. But did you know that cockatoos and vultures can live for over 100 years? It lived in New Zealand soon after the dinosaurs died out. Please note that there are close to 8,000 species represented on the Avianweb. Scientists' work on a bird fossil found in Waipara, New Zealand, reveals information from the oldest bird species ever lived. Named the Protodontopteryx ruthae, the bird is known to be one of the oldest named bird species. Wiki User January 17, 2010 1:19AM. Martialis is the oldest ant species discovered from the Amazon rain forest. At 62 million-years-old, the newly-discovered Protodontopteryx ruthae, is one of the oldest named bird species in the world. Learn more about these birds here. The Nebraska fossil is about 10 million years old and identical to the sandhill crane that exists today. If you can't find the species you are looking for, a search via the above search form should pull it up. Wisdom hatched in or around 1951. It lived in New Zealand soon after the dinosaurs died out. Answer. The oldest known bird species still surviving Morning ... 1 World's oldest wild bird returns to shore to lay egg at … World39s oldest wild bird returns to shore to lay egg at ... New prehistoric bird species discovered New prehistoric bird species discovered Oldest known ancestor of modern birds Archaeornithura … At 62 million-years-old, the newly-discovered Protodontopteryx ruthae, is one of the oldest named bird species in the world. There is a problem with the question in regards to the nature of evolution and how we define species. Biography. The oldest bird species of the world and their origin. The fossil of a bird called Protodontopteryx ruthae is 62 million years old. Scientists have mapped the first family tree for all known living bird species, showing that new species appeared on Earth much faster than originally thought. This would make it the oldest living bird species in the world. The life span of the birds and their unique nature. The word Martialis huereka means ‘ants from Mars,’ because this species has different behavior than other recorded ant species on earth. At 62 million-years-old, the newly-discovered Protodontopteryx ruthae, is one of the oldest named bird species in the world. In 1956, at the estimated age of five, she was tagged by scientists at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge for study, but then returned to the wild rather than being kept in captivity. The study was published in the journal Papers in Paleontology and it details about one of the oldest bird. The oldest living wild bird is a 62 year old albatross and still going. It is estimated that this particular kind of ant species was evolved on Earth 120 million years ago. Earlier it was believed that this species evolved in the Northern Hemisphere but … It lived in New Zealand soon after the dinosaurs died out. What is the oldest species of birds? Only the most common, or major species are listed below. Lets define species as “the largest group of organisms in which two individuals can produce fertile offspring”. ! Another fossil was unearthed in Nebraska and presents a pretty convincing case that the sandhill crane is actually much older than first believed.