This downloadable video drum lesson shows you how to play the whole song, from start to finish, in a clear and easy to follow manner. Secondly it has a signature drum sound from John Bonham which is hard to match. I can't keep track fully of all of these little facts but I though that the drums by my good buddy John laid down on "When The Levee Breaks" were recorded with his kit in a stairwell and the the second "hits" on both the bass drum and snare that this fella is … Learn how to play the drums to the song When The Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin. What you’re about to hear is an isolated drum track from the iconic Led Zeppelin song When The Levee Breaks.This song is already iconic for it’s drumming, but just hearing the drum track alone is astounding. With drum tracks that span from Zeppelin's bombastic "When The Levee Breaks" to the subtle brush work in James Taylor's "Fire and Rain", Classic Beats is the first MIDI drum collection to serve up authentic and accurate drum tracks from a massive range of chart-topping songs. How to play When the Levee Breaks on drums Learn how to play Led Zeppelin’s classic groove in a live setting. When the Levee Breaks Drum sheet music in full. We are not tackling the beat as it was actually played on the record because that made use of a big stairwell for natural reverb as well as an echo effect. Nachhaltige Bekanntheit erlangte das Lied, das als Reaktion auf die Mississippiflut von 1927 entstand, in der Rockversion von Led Zeppelin, die in einer Vielzahl von … The drum track and "Funky Drummer" by James Brown are two of the most sampled drum tracks. Thirdly it's an awesome drum part that is huge fun to play and not many drummers have avoided putting this record on, shutting their eyes and drumming along whilst pretending they are in Led zeppelin! Minus Drums MP3, HD Version. There’s a lot of mystique around this groove and the song is famous among … Designed for Playalong or Recording. "When the Levee Breaks" was conducive in bringing a new era of music, and Bonham's true legacy to the world. How to play 'When the Levee Breaks' on Drums This lesson tackles how to play this famous John Bonham drum beat for the classic Led Zeppelin song from the Led Zeppelin Four album in 1971. This is a Led Zeppelin classic track from the 1971 Led zeppelin Four album with none other than John Bonham on drums of course. Download the Drums Backing Track of When The Levee Breaks as made famous by Led Zeppelin. When the Levee Breaks ist ein Bluessong von Kansas Joe McCoy und Memphis Minnie aus dem Jahr 1929. It was used at the earliest rap block parties when they wanted more power. Play and sound just like John Bonham by learning his drum parts note-for-note. The Beastie Boys used it in the opening track of Licensed to Ill "Rhymin' & Stealin'". In this drum lesson we will learn how to play When the Levee Breaks on drums. Jimmy Page said, "Nobody other than John …