Blue-winged Teal, like other ducks, are vulnerable to wetland loss or degradation, pesticide contamination (particularly on their wintering grounds, in countries where DDT is still legal), and consumption of lead shot where it is still used. ducks mostly live in moist water areas like lakes. Related Questions. There are puddle ducks, diver ducks and seas ducks. Wiki User July 03, 2010 12:13PM. It is a small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America. you don't call it anything. You can call those ducks as TEAL. Answer. Asked in Ducks Where do blue winged teal ducks live? Rivers. Where Do Ducks Live? These birds are extensively found in swamps, lakes, rivers, ponds, marshes, gulf courses, paddy fields, water reservoirs, wetlands, woodlands, mangrove trees, swamp forests, subtropical and tropical Australian forests, they start constructing their nests before the breeding season arrives. Ducks are very fond of making their habitats adjacent to water. Green-winged Teal are second only to Mallards in the number of ducks taken by hunters each year, with about 1.7 million shot per year in the U.S. Where do teal ducks live? Related Questions. Cinnamon Teal feed much like other dabbling ducks, taking most of their food at or near the surface by rapidly opening and closing the bill to take seeds, aquatic vegetation, zooplankton, and insects. Bag limits for ducks are changed annually based on population size estimates and harvest objectives, helping to safeguard these species against declines. Some ducks do live in zoos, but most ducks are wild. Asked in Ducks Do ducks live in zoos?