The Llama's gentle nature is ideal for young trainers to gain confidence with such a task. The goal is to breed miniatures sires and dams to achieve a miniature cria off spring, however, mother nature doesn't always follow well intended goals. You've found the “Texas Llama Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! We got a Groupon to visit ShangriLlama for a Llama Llesson last weekend, and it was the best Groupon activity I've done yet! Ideal traits for a guard llama are counter to ideal companion, packing, and driving traits, and thus can't be effectively (or ethically!) Information For New Owners Making a llama part of your life is a big decision - one that will bring you happiness and satisfaction for years to come!! We have slowed down our pace a bit, but the herd still roams our pastures and provides their annual harvest of fiber. Contact Us; North Texas Llamas © You can visit a castle full of llamas in Texas called ShangriLlama. Miss Rita received a first place in heavy wool and a Reserve champion as a juvenile and went on to get two Grand Champions the two other times we showed her. All the warmth of ownership without the responsibility. North Texas Llamas takes pride in having a large selection of alpacas & colorful intact/gelded llama males. Good luck, and happy hunting! In addition we sometimes have adult llamas for sale , including trekking llamas, pregnant females and stud males ,and can suggest suitable "groupings" if … If you or your child loves llamas, but your home is not zoned for farm animals, we have an easy solution: lease a llama from us. If you are interested in one of our llamas, please read the fine print first!We don't expect 100% memorization, but evidence of taking the effort to read and comprehend is one of the tools we use to screen buyers. So those are some of the Fortnite llama locations that have worked for us so far on the new island - if you find any others then let us know in the comments. We are long-time breeders of champion huacaya alpacas from award winning bloodlines. Whether your looking for a pet, ag exemption, brush trimmer or something to guard your sheep, goats, cattle, horses, exotics or even ducks & chickens, we'll have a large selection of colorful animals from which to choose. We offer basic training information, on going support, and a genuine commitment to finding the best match of human and llama. Everywhere 4 United States Categories Filter. How much does a llama cost? Ready to go to be raised the way you want them. Email for pictures of currently available stock. Hill Country Alpacas is located near the Texas Hill Country town of Medina, about an hour northwest of San Antonio, between Kerrville and Bandera. Due to the variations in growth rates, we are unable to guarantee or say for certainty that a young llama will stay a "miniature" until they have fully grown to 3 years of age and beyond. You are currently viewing the largest directory of small farm animal breeders on the entire internet! We usually end in the gift shop where we have many items that are specific to llamas and alpacas. River Oaks Llamas is nestled in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. producing colorful llamas since 2003. Locals use them as See what our llamas look like and how they react with people. In many cases, some of the Llamas we come across have been well cared for, but simply need to be relocated for various reasons, this is where we come in. If you're a first time llama owner, we will be delighted to introduce you to this wonderful world! Llamas as guardians. Miss Lucy is a full sister to the best female we have ever produced (who is not for sale). Buy the best quality you can afford. Shangrila's Miss Lucy . We are best known for our MADE IN TEXAS hand woven llama rugs. If you want to breed llamas then be sure you have the right facilities and enough land to keep them all and to separate them safely. Home; Why llamas? There are always projects such as mending fences, picking up fallen limbs, light construction jobs and various other small tasks that occur on a farm. A Bed and Breakfast located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country, with easy access to Austin, San Marcus, San Antonio, and New Brawnfels. As with most animals, we occasionally come across unwanted or abused Llamas that are in desperate need of a good home, which is why we take breeding quality Llamas very serious! As a member of the British Llama Society I am a registered breeder and have signed up to their code of conduct for selling llamas.