Ideally make your own so that you know exactly what’s gone into it, it should be nothing more than full cream milk and the Kefir grains, which look like tiny little cauliflower heads. When drunk regularly it has amazing health benefits. The kefir grains are so small cannot find them even straining through very fine muslin. Store-bought kefir and yogurt contain about five different types of beneficial bacteria. Go back to step 1. And the best part is that you need only a few ingredients to prepare this amazing beverage at home. Make your own kefir at home with these Kefir Grains Fresh Organic, 30g. Kefir made from fresh milk kefir grains contains 35+ strains of beneficial bacteria! Water kefir (also known as tibicos, ginger bug and African bees), makes a healthy vegan probiotic drink. Where to Buy Kefir Grains in the UK. Water kefir is great for your immune system and can even with the fight against cancer cells! Check out who is sharing what. They have offered people over generations the delicious and health promoting qualities of both water and milk kefir never again having the need for expensive unhealthy sugary sodas or costly yogurts again. Here is a link to buying Kefir online in South Africa. The kombucha scoby is normally $15 plus $8 shipping. The whole purpose of kefir grains is to make a kefir drink. Milk kefir is a cultured milk made with a culture commonly called "Kefir grains" and has its origins in the Turkish regions of Europe. Drink kefir, reuse grains. Store-bought kefir and yogurt contain about five different types of beneficial bacteria. - Buy live kefir grains. To strain the grains you can use a nylon strainer, a plastic slotted spoon, or a plastic colander. Kefir is a fermented milk product that originated in Europe. Buy Fresh Live Milk Kefir Grains for making healthy delicious kefir in your home. Now, you would certainly not experience any problems with finding milk in your fridge, but what about these grains? Kefir is a cultured milk product which has a huge range of health benefits. Not sure what are real grains vs. lower quality products. We use goat milk with our kefir grains in Kenya. My wife and I ferment as many products as we can in our home to help provide our family (we have 2 young daughters) with the best immune system they can have and the first probiotic we started off with is Homemade Organic Milk Kefir . It can be made from any type of milk, including rice or soy milk. Almost like making yoghurt. • Don’t keep the brewing kefir in … If you buy Kefir grains online, it is very important to get them from a reputable source. Sourcing Kefir Be careful of buying Kefir in a drinking yoghurt form with lots of added sugar. Where to buy kefir grains fresh. It is a creamy product containing a refreshing flavor and a sour tart. Water kefir usually ferments in 24-48 hours. I have been able to make a few batches by taking a small amount of cultured kefir and adding to fresh milk.