Cashew nuts are known as power nuts as they are enriched with several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Wiki User August 22, 2010 1:33AM. Fight Against Diabetes So what gives with the cashew hate? So I have heard from some Paleo folks that cashews are bad for you. Fight Against Diabetes The cashew tree is… Eaten in moderate amounts, nuts may help protect against heart disease. 8. According to the researches, certain drugs that react with magnesium can cause the lack of absorption of antibiotics. July 5, 2016 by Kevin Smith. Why exactly are cashews bad again? Most Popular Lists. Nuts of various kinds contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin B-6, trace minerals, fiber and protein. When you eat the nuts, they can fight against free radicals, help to develop healthy bone and the connective tissue, as well as produce the pigment melanin, promoting healthy skin and hair. Of course yes. How so? Leave a Comment. Saturated, solid fats – the kind you find in animal fat and some tropical oils – don’t do that nearly as easily. If so, how do you tell? While this study did not specifically look at the heath effects of cashew nuts, cashews are among the healthiest and most nutritious and it is logical to assume that cashew nuts would have an equally beneficial effect. They have almost the same ratio of mono to polyunsaturates per serving as extra virgin olive oil. When you eat the nuts, they can fight against free radicals, help to develop healthy bone and the connective tissue, as well as produce the pigment melanin, promoting healthy skin and hair. You may enjoy a hand full of crunchy cashews while watching your favorite TV show but you may want to know “are cashews bad for you” in advance. Cashews are not nuts, they are not legumes (beans and peanuts), they are in a category all of their own. Plain cashews are a good source of monounsaturated fats. Lists Tagged With: Cashews, Cashews are bad, Cashews bad, Cashews not good. Cashews are rich in magnesium content, 82.5 mg of magnesium per ounce. 2) Weight Control. If taken in limited quantities, it may even lower bad cholesterol levels which can be beneficial for heart patients and diabetics. Here it is in a nutshell (well, more like a toxic seed). If I eat cashew butter, my lips break out in a blistery, tingly rash, I get gas and an upset stomach, my anus itches, and I have headaches and feel tired. All but a small amount of the fat in cashews is the good kind - oleic acid - found also in olive oil, which is the reason both are so good for you. But the healthy oils contained in nuts can go rancid over time, … Ask Question Asked 7 years, ... (which is why you are supposed to store nuts sealed and in a cool, ... cashews are hard enough such that you would almost certainly see mold on the surface if it were present in harmful quantities. If so, how do you tell? Related Questions. 'Blood cashews': the toxic truth about your favourite nut They are now the most popular nut in Europe and the USA but there's a catch to cashews, writes Bee Wilson However, there are a number of drugs that interact with magnesium, so if you are wondering “are cashews bad for you”, check the medications you have taken. No. If your dog is not allergic, cashews can be an occasional snack. Cashews are not toxic for dogs, but it's possible that your dog could have an allergy to them—this is rare, but dangerous. They're high in protein and high in fat, which is great for young, active dogs but harder on the system of older or overweight dogs. It's the high- or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol conversation that explains what "good fat = HDL; bad fat = LDL" actually means. Are cashews nuts good for you? Can cashews go bad? Eating them is bad for you because they contain a chemical found in poison Ivy-Urushiol. Answer. So what category is that? When it comes to weight control, nuts have a bad rap because of their high fat content. Given the opportunity, their oil molecules will bond with stray oxygen atoms and become “oxygenized,” which gives them unpleasant flavors and odors. 8. Of course yes. ... 8 Horrifying Facts About How Eating Cashews Can Destroy Your Health.