A common belief is that dragons wave their arm as a passive message to indicate when a more dominant or larger dragon is nearby. Why do bearded dragons wave? I have read it is meant to be a submissive gesture - but it's never used in that way. I have two male bearded dragons and I find it really fascinating to watch when they stretch their arms out so it either looks like they are waving or having a stretch. For more information about head-bobbing, check out the Head Bobbing article . A bearded dragon that is waving is actually showing submission and also fear. Another meaning is submission. source. Are they trying to give us a high-five? If a bearded dragon waves at another bearded dragon, it tells the other dragon that he/she is aware of their presence. Bearded dragons might wave to other bearded dragons from time to time. Are they trying to simply say hello? Bearded Dragons usually displayed when a Bearded Dragon is frightened or intimidated by another Bearded Dragon, dominant figure or something it’s simply unsure of. Nope. That is why it is worthwhile to take a deeper look into the common behaviors of bearded dragons. Does anyone else have any ideas why they do this? If your bearded dragon waves a lot it is time to take action to help ease whatever it is that is causing the reaction. When a Bearded Dragon waves its arm it is usually because they are simply waving to let another Bearded Dragon or animal nearby know that they are aware of them or they are frightened of another Bearded Dragon or animal and therefore submitting to a more dominant figure. A common belief is that arm waving is a passive message, to indicate submission when a larger or more dominant beardie is near by. When threatened they will hiss softly -- but other than this, they do not vocalize. If a bearded dragon waves at another bearded dragon, it tells the other dragon that he/she is aware of their presence. One has a habit of swapping from one arm to the other doing this for about half an hour. why do both my bearded dragons arm wave to each other? So why does my bearded dragon wave at me? The lizards get their name from the pointed spines under their throats and around their ear openings, which resemble beards. When you appear in front of your beardie, sometimes he will raise his front foot and literally wave at you. Rarely, they might wave at you. However, it does seem to be a form of communication. The name is actually very descriptive of what it looks like. Young bearded dragons may do a slow "wave" with one of their arms to signal, "I'm just a baby! It indicates that they are submitting to them. While it might look cute, the real reason why they are doing it is to convey a special message. Why do bearded dragons wave? Bearded dragons wave as a means of communicating with each other. This seems to be a form of communication that beardies commonly do. This is a hilarious … A bearded dragon may wave his or her arm whenever they are approached by a larger bearded dragon or whenever a larger animal approaches the dragon. So why do Bearded Dragons wave their arm? Communication takes … Alternatively, the age of your beardie can affect the meaning. Bearded Dragons have a very interesting behavior often referred to as Arm Waving. The arm wave is a behaviour that Bearded Dragons will often produce when they want to indicate to another Bearded Dragon that they don’t want to fight. Arm waving is more usual with babies and females. Don't hurt me!" Why Do Bearded Dragons Arm Wave? Bearded dragons are native to Australia. Wiki User June 26, 2011 3:55AM. One meaning is species recognition. Arm waving is often accompanied with a slow head bob . All wrong. A fats wave is a challenge wave and they will do this to challenge one another. Answer. Why Do Bearded Dragon Arm Wave - a Closer Look. The reasons that a bearded dragon will wave their arm is not entirely explained. Waving: Why Do Bearded Dragons Wave? Whilst it may seem fun to think that your bearded dragon is waving to greet you unfortunately this not the case. Or maybe, just maybe, a bearded dragon that’s arm waving is merely trying to get out attention in an attempt to get some much-needed bonding time out of the tank? Bearded Dragon Behavior Similar to people, bearded dragons will have specific body language that indicates their mood, health, and feeling. A slow arm wave is a submissive wave as a way to communicate peacefully with one another also one is bigger than the other and chases the smaller one about does anyone know how to stop him doing that? This page will go over some of the most common bearded dragon behaviors so you can better understand what your bearded dragon is feeling. One meaning is species recognition. i thought one would wave to the other to say that they are the submissive one but they sit and do it to each other so that doesnt make sence.