Life Cycle of a Black Soldier Fly Below are a number of websites that explain the lifecycle of the Black Soldier Fly. ECOLOGY/LIFE CYCLE ... For those, who aren‟t familiar with the morphology of tsetse flies (see Dr. Livingstone‟s tsetse collection), ... trypanosomes migrating from the midgut to the salivary glands of the tsetse fly. Now more subtle methods are preferred. Tsetse flies get the infection when feeding on an infected animal; after implementation of the parasitic cycle in the fly (15–21 days) it becomes infective and may remain infective for the rest of its life. Background. Rarely, T. b. gambiense may be acquired congenitally if the mother is infected during pregnancy. Life cycle in man: Mwanakasale V., Songolo P. Disappearance of some human African trypanosomiasis transmission foci in Zambia in the absence of a tsetse fly and trypanosomiasis control program over a period of forty years. Life cycle … Before the 20th century, people and their cattle simply did not live in areas infested with tsetse flies. The intermediate host is blood sucking insect called tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis). [citation needed] Life cycle. This slow rate of reproduction means that tsetse populations can be eradicated by killing just 2-3% of the female population per day. This life cycle, with a slow reproductive rate and substantial parental investment in the care of young, is a relatively unusual example of an insect with a so-called 'K-type' life history. Houseflies are easily killed with a flyswatter, but a great deal of effort is needed to crush a tsetse fly. Even though the tsetse fly densities were very low this has implications for the creation of tsetse free zones in South Africa and in Southern part of Mozambique, as this area could be a site for reinvasion. The cycle in the fly takes approximately 3 weeks. I have been experimenting with these amazing little critters since 2009 when I first started testing the Compot. The twenty-two species of blood-feeding tsetse fly are found only in tropical Africa - all can carry the trypanosome parasite that causes African sleeping sickness (African Trypanosomiasis) in man and Nagana in cattle and other domesticated animals.This film gives a detailed account of the life-cycle of the tsetse fly, with special reference to Glossina morsitans. The primary or definitive host is man. Glossina palpalis and G. morsitans from a 1920 lexicon. Tsetse flies can be trapped by using large blue cloths as a lure. The parasite is not easy to rear in large numbers, and it has not been used for attempts at control. ... First, despite the intensive work over the past 100 y on describing the complex life cycle of T. brucei, which includes at least 10 successive developmental forms (reviewed in ref. - Thyridanthrax (Diptera) (Figure 1.2 C) This is a fly, slightly smaller than the tsetse it parasitises.